In a joint release prepared by Nike Inc. and the Oregon University:
Preparations are being fast tracked to keep Nike University CEO and founder alive long enough to witness his long arduous Natty acquisition come to fruition by January 2025.
As a family, university masquerading as a corporation we hope you share your heart felt prayers and best wishes to our beloved father (Sir Daddy Warbucks) during these difficult weeks ahead.
I'm sure Bill thought this was funny or at least he'll tell haie that.
There it is. I can tell you those 48 hours, Blob.
There what is Bill? Your tongue never leaves haie's ass.
More sick fantasies. There are websites for that. Don't worry, it's California, and probably encouraged.
Hey Bill, since haie is too big of a cunt to answer the question, maybe you can tell us what think was the low point of the season for UW. Plenty of material to work with Bill, but in your opinion when did you realize just how fucking shitty your team was this year?
Now I know you love to talk about me, and I can't really say I blame you, I am fascinating, but lets try to focus on the steaming pile of shit that is UW football. Go!!!
and you guys thought my LB transfer joke was bad.
We? thank you. Every village needs an idiot
Obsessed with Washington on your own special Ducko board. It's really sad, Blob. What's the low point of Oregon's history? So much to choose from of course. See, I'm staying on topic, which is too hard for you.
Appears Bill the lying cunt is never going to provide us with even one of those "many, many" posts of his from last year where he called all of college football garbage.
do you think and care a lot?
No. Clearly.
However, you seem to enjoy being the village idiot. You always deliver.
you were more effective when you were just quoting me over and over. appreciate the support pal!
@DucksFC #FuckVanilla
It seems you think I’m making some great effort.
Not the case.
your effort being 14553 characters too long means you definitely think and care a lot.
If you think my effort remotely added to a 14553 character surplus, you are far dumber than thought. Maybe Bucky is more your speed.
what about if the character surplus reaches 15k? how much do you think and care then?
I tagged you in the thread you asked for Blob. Do you need me to screenshot it? Special ed Blob needs everything laid out in a very obvious way.
link it for me Bill
"Weak" ACC vs. SEC — Hardcore Husky Forums
December 7, 2023
You're bitching about the SEC, nowhere are you indicting all of college football. Are you really this dishonest and stupid Bill? You provided a link that supports exactly what I said.