Yep, just more lying by the rat media and their half brained followers like hh.
They mocked Trump like they do anyone who doesn't follow their brand of socialism. When the truth comes out people like hh dodge rather than be an adult and admit they lied.
A chick from Ohio.
"Haitians made me do it!"
Still doesn’t understand why his party didn’t flip a single county in the presidential election.
H is Paul Johnson still running the Wishbone in the SEC and wondering why he’s losing.
Idiots have the vote. But look who I’m telling.
Voted for Biden and Harris
Tell yourself
Yep, just more lying by the rat media and their half brained followers like hh.
They mocked Trump like they do anyone who doesn't follow their brand of socialism. When the truth comes out people like hh dodge rather than be an adult and admit they lied.
So, it wasn't immigrants who were eating the cats.
But Daddy was right anyway!
It was also illegals
Fuck off
Chick from Canton, Ohio.
"But also illegals!", screamed the rabble.
She's not the only one retard
It was a poor example
Get rid of the illegals and these kind of complaints don’t catch on. Have 20m of them and they will. Own goal on dems part.
Daddy's lies are NOT his fault!
Liberals made him do it.
What lies? It was definitely floating around in the media. He didn’t create that out of whole cloth.
Many people are saying . . .
Serious person. Serious President.
Sore loser
Makes me wonder whether I should have ever started this thread. #NotDefensiveAtAll!
I’d be retreating too.
And the inevitable meltdown
Saying it out loud now
What pandering by corrupt NY mayor?
where are the other ones?