Since he still claims this hate crime is real and has never admitted his guilt’s, let’s hope the new FBI under Trump conducts a thorough investigation and prosecuted anyone found culpable to the full extent of the law. Federal jury, federal imprisonment for whoever perpetrated this heinous crime.
Chicago is MAGA Country!
NorthwestFresh has run out of ideas.
Court holds the State to the bargain it struck with the accused. What an outrage.
No one is above the law except those useful to the party
Of course H has to defend it
Race comes out against holding government to its bargains.
Nice spin faggot
Stating the precise basis for the decision is the new "spin".
Keep your day job.
Pays better than yours
Gaetz is guilty. Smollet is innocent
And you guys make H your moral compass
Anyone who thinks this ruling proclaimed Smollet innocent is really too dumb to play here.
Moral compass has thoughts
H didn’t even read the article.
Why would he, he doesn’t even read past the headline of his own links.
Federal charges looming for sure due to his insistence he was attacked by white guys screaming MAGA!!!!, but Smollett can now sue the state of Illinois for millions and the taxpayers there deserve it as f he wins.
Have you ever been right about anything, PDX?
"Today we resolve a question about the State's responsibility to honor the agreements it makes with defendants. Specifically, we address whether a dismissal of a case by nolle prosequi allows the State to bring a second prosecution when the dismissal was entered as part of an agreement with the defendant and the defendant has performed his part of the bargain. We hold that a second prosecution under these circumstances is a due process violation, and we therefore reverse defendant's conviction," Justice Elizabeth Rochford wrote in the court's ruling.
H in the anger phase of grief over the election.
It's really mean of me to always be right. I understand.
Buck I understand when he goes on an Adderall bender.
In your case I guess it's just emotional instability.
Maybe you're just bored in traffic court.
I'll leave it to the readers to decide.
Have you ever been right about anything, PDX?
"Today we resolve a question about the State's responsibility to honor the agreements it makes with defendants. Specifically, we address whether a dismissal of a case by nolle prosequi allows the State to bring a second prosecution when the dismissal was entered as part of an agreement with the defendant and the defendant has performed his part of the bargain. We hold that a second prosecution under these circumstances is a due process violation, and we therefore reverse defendant's conviction," Justice Elizabeth Rochford wrote in the court's ruling.
How embarrassing for you that you don’t understand that defendants can be tried at both the local/state and federal levels independent of each other, and that any decision at the state/local level has no authority on whether the federal government wants to investigate this hate crime and bring charges. The hate crime claim by Smollet makes it also federal jurisdiction.
You’re obviously not an attorney, but that’s been known for years.
Can we please this end these lies, H? A daughter allegedly visiting “UC-Bakersfield” was another whopper from you, a dolt who didn’t understand Bakersfield is a Cal State school when you were spinning that lie to feel better about yourself and prove yourself to people who are laughing at you.
Did you have a hard time understanding the word federal?
Dazzler likes the sweetheart deal from a sympathetic supporter. Not cronyism at all.
@HHusky either got “real busy” or “bored” after his idiocy yet again surfaced.