If you are a spendthrift with a lot of credit card debt when you get a $10,000 bonus it's, "Hey, Hawaii here we come!". It's like negotiating with the dems on either debt or immigration. Bush I got taken to the cleaners on the dems promise to match tax increases with debt reduction. Same with the dems (and RINOs) current immigration stance - Amnesty today and we promise to do border security next Tuesday.
Or, at the least, why raise taxes when it doesn’t seem to matter on the debt or deficit?
If you are a spendthrift with a lot of credit card debt when you get a $10,000 bonus it's, "Hey, Hawaii here we come!". It's like negotiating with the dems on either debt or immigration. Bush I got taken to the cleaners on the dems promise to match tax increases with debt reduction. Same with the dems (and RINOs) current immigration stance - Amnesty today and we promise to do border security next Tuesday.
Our girl Charley