I'm already starting to see the stories. The left is loading up shit as we speak. Trust me, they are not letting this go. They are the first election deniers. Ask Hillary.
Also, would like to ask for a new joke … "Daddy" - the joke - has jumped the shark.
Trump tried to claim there was cheating in PA because there was. They were stopping people from early voting in some Trump heavy supporting areas. His campaign got a court order to keep the polls open later. Should he have remained silent?
it’s rather easy to explain less votes in ‘24 compared to ‘20. Ballot harvesting rampant in ‘20 and non existent in ‘24. The illegal votes counted in ‘24 skew the numbers making the cheat in ‘20 less obvious.
Biden ‘20 = 81,283,500
Trump ‘20 = 74,224,000
Trump ‘24 = 76 mil assumed
Kamala = 73 mil assumed
2020 = 155,507,475 votes cast
2024 = 149-150 mil assumed
Seems odd for the vote of our lifetimes and Democracy on the line that 8 mil chose not to vote for the blue team in ‘24
laboratories of democracy
you were for federalism before you were against it
Cheating is not a laboratory for democracy. Hope that helps.
H is broken worse than usual spouting gibberish
I don’t think you cheated.
I think Daddy won. This time.
Give it a week
I'm already starting to see the stories. The left is loading up shit as we speak. Trust me, they are not letting this go. They are the first election deniers. Ask Hillary.
Also, would like to ask for a new joke … "Daddy" - the joke - has jumped the shark.
Trump tried to claim there was cheating in PA because there was. They were stopping people from early voting in some Trump heavy supporting areas. His campaign got a court order to keep the polls open later. Should he have remained silent?
Submit a suggestion
How about, "My Duly Elected President"?
"El Jefe" would also suffice.
Pick one or both.
Simple no nationwide vote by mail
I'm partial to Jefe
Generalissimo Anaranjado
I'm hearing that Kamala as a brilliant prosecutor allowed Trump to cheat but collected all the information they needed to put him away for good!
There shouldn't even be mail in ballots. Amazon doesn't even allow it for their union votes.
it’s rather easy to explain less votes in ‘24 compared to ‘20. Ballot harvesting rampant in ‘20 and non existent in ‘24. The illegal votes counted in ‘24 skew the numbers making the cheat in ‘20 less obvious.
Biden ‘20 = 81,283,500
Trump ‘20 = 74,224,000
Trump ‘24 = 76 mil assumed
Kamala = 73 mil assumed
2020 = 155,507,475 votes cast
2024 = 149-150 mil assumed
Seems odd for the vote of our lifetimes and Democracy on the line that 8 mil chose not to vote for the blue team in ‘24
When you start with the conclusion and work backwards, you get “reasoning” like this. The vote count is at 152 million, btw.
As the IED blows up in Race’s lap.
I never gave my opinion either way.
7 pages in I assume you have some kind of point?