This shows how awful our supposed medical institutions are. From telling us that the chicom crud came from a wet market in Wuhan from bats that were from hundreds of miles away to mask mandates and social distancing to the vax mandates and prohibiting the dissemination of accurate information on preventive medicines and therapeutics and substituting take a tylenol until you need a ventilator as the proper therapeutic treatment.
Dr. Pierre Kory Unveils the Immunological Catastrophe: The Misattribution of Post-Vaccination Syndromes to Long COVID in a Flagrant Display of Scientific Negligence"I tell you another deception. The entire country medical system calls the chronic problems after COVID, they call it long COVID, right? You've heard of the term disease long COVID. So I'm an expert at it." "But the reality is, if you look at my practice, maybe 1,200 patients, 70% are long vax, not long COVID, meaning all of their issues, the syndrome started after the vaccine, not COVID. The vast majority are long vax. And so, The only disease that's recognized in this country is long COVID." "All the academic medical centers, they have these little long COVID clinics. It's not vaccine injury clinics, it's long COVID clinics. So there's this constant burying of the role of the vaccine in what's befallen society. Well, why? I mean, that's so evil that it's hard to believe it's happening." "It threatens so much. It not only threatens... the reputation credibility of our health agencies, which is already, I think, splintered and fragmented. Yes. I mean, a week ago, a paper was published in the Journal of American Medical Association." "I just saw it this morning where they actually surveyed people's attitudes towards the agencies and the vaccines. And a majority, about half to 60%, all have concerns over whether these things are safe." "Now, I don't think that was going to be the answer two years ago, but a good portion of society now is now questioning whether the agencies are telling the truth when they make these proclamations, but you can see it in their hesitancy to get the boosters. I mean, those numbers are plummeting.""So I do think that people are slowly becoming aware. But for those of us who've been aware for a long time and have been trying to fight to get people informed, it's been a war. It's been a long couple of years."
Thanks, go to the oncologist on Tuesday and surgeon Thursday... ugh.
Be thankful surgery is an option.
100% I am.... it wasn't in the lymph node they biopsies luckily
I am sorry to hear this Goduckies…my mother passed in 09 from her 4th bout with cancer but she was first diagnosed in 92.
Don't stop fighting it!
Prayers sent for you!
I don't plan on going anywhere!!!
This shows how awful our supposed medical institutions are. From telling us that the chicom crud came from a wet market in Wuhan from bats that were from hundreds of miles away to mask mandates and social distancing to the vax mandates and prohibiting the dissemination of accurate information on preventive medicines and therapeutics and substituting take a tylenol until you need a ventilator as the proper therapeutic treatment.
Dr. Pierre Kory Unveils the Immunological Catastrophe: The Misattribution of Post-Vaccination Syndromes to Long COVID in a Flagrant Display of Scientific Negligence"I tell you another deception. The entire country medical system calls the chronic problems after COVID, they call it long COVID, right? You've heard of the term disease long COVID. So I'm an expert at it." "But the reality is, if you look at my practice, maybe 1,200 patients, 70% are long vax, not long COVID, meaning all of their issues, the syndrome started after the vaccine, not COVID. The vast majority are long vax. And so, The only disease that's recognized in this country is long COVID." "All the academic medical centers, they have these little long COVID clinics. It's not vaccine injury clinics, it's long COVID clinics. So there's this constant burying of the role of the vaccine in what's befallen society. Well, why? I mean, that's so evil that it's hard to believe it's happening." "It threatens so much. It not only threatens... the reputation credibility of our health agencies, which is already, I think, splintered and fragmented. Yes. I mean, a week ago, a paper was published in the Journal of American Medical Association." "I just saw it this morning where they actually surveyed people's attitudes towards the agencies and the vaccines. And a majority, about half to 60%, all have concerns over whether these things are safe." "Now, I don't think that was going to be the answer two years ago, but a good portion of society now is now questioning whether the agencies are telling the truth when they make these proclamations, but you can see it in their hesitancy to get the boosters. I mean, those numbers are plummeting.""So I do think that people are slowly becoming aware. But for those of us who've been aware for a long time and have been trying to fight to get people informed, it's been a war. It's been a long couple of years."