Sure does. The court has not issued the final ruling yet. After the questions they asked and statements the judges made it was obvious to them it was a political hit job and no other person had ever been charged with this BS, They also said they should sanction James and her cohorts in crime. The closing arguments from James were nothing but "please don't sanction us!"
Link ?
fuck off pawz
just believe it
does he get his 500MM back?
Sure does. The court has not issued the final ruling yet. After the questions they asked and statements the judges made it was obvious to them it was a political hit job and no other person had ever been charged with this BS, They also said they should sanction James and her cohorts in crime. The closing arguments from James were nothing but "please don't sanction us!"
Someone who runs an entire campaign on taking down trump tries to take down trump regardless of any reason
Attorneys were begging not to be sanctioned during final session.
Sorry your news sources don't do primary sources.
Confirmed H is a fake attorney BTW. @creepycoug much better fake attorney.
Dazzler is probably used to this kind of treatment from judges. Oh wait he doesn't do trials as a law clerk.
Weird how silent the retards for Harris are.
@HHusky was all in on this.
Mello sneaks in and down votes you. Haha you musta triggered him