And we are old enough to remember when water mains didn't break in the middle of the night, 100K votes all for Biden didn't show up in a van from another state, and illegals couldn't vote. Run a fair and honest election and I am sure the transfer of power can be G rated so your heart doesn't flutter Mildred.
So you were Oswald’s spotter? Didn’t have that on my Bingo card.
I do like it when I make H so upset that he tries to defend his ShitLib life.
It’s full steam authoritarian.
At asu rhey replaced our frat houses with hotel
And we are old enough to remember when water mains didn't break in the middle of the night, 100K votes all for Biden didn't show up in a van from another state, and illegals couldn't vote. Run a fair and honest election and I am sure the transfer of power can be G rated so your heart doesn't flutter Mildred.