We will be having a Hardcore Husky Get Together in Burlington at The Sports Keg on Friday April 19th. Joey says its a place where you don't have to beg the waitresses to have the Mariner game on. @LebamDawg
We were planning to have a get together in Tacoma as co-organized by @RoadDawg55 but as we know he has gone AWOL. We hope he's alright.
Consequently, I'll be organizing with @SweatpantsGeneral to meet somewhere in Tacoma in June on a Friday night. Details to come.
And there'll be more announcements next week.
I’ll be hosting an HH get together here in Lexington, KY at the Cheetah Gentleman’s Club on Friday February 30th.
There were a couple places I thought of but they don’t have a wait staff so it could be a pain in the ass to get served.
I will likely bring WoolleyDoog’s dad and possibly his crazy uncle with us. Could be a ride on our bus if anyone from the north end is interested
I should be able to make the Burlington
circle jerkget together. I mean I asked for it up north, can't fag out now.Too far north.
I usually visit family in June…not sure I'd drive down to the Souf Sound for this, but who knows?
I'll probably be there with bells on.
If the weather works out I may try to do an afternoon round of golf up north and then swing by the circle jerk
I never know if this shit is real.
can you pick me up at the corner cafe?
Any thought of a North Idaho/Spokane get together? Seems like there are several posters in this area.
Anacortes? That’s pretty far out of the way for us
I have talked about it a little bit in the past. It's a possibility for sure
that place is full of horny divorcees. Of both sexes.
Good spot for a bunch of misfit hooligans like us
Not a get together. A circle jerk.
My Tacoma recommendation:
If you can promise the mariner game won't be on the TV, I'll show up