Daddy could have provided the requested sample at any time over the course of three years. The rubes here are really impressed that he offered to delay proceedings on the eve of trial.
Just take the L dumbass QB/MeritScholar/Pedophile/Trans-Allied Pervert.
NOC about your pathetic utterances on this topic, so STFU and stay away from kids.
Yes, we already know you lied. Based on what this judge excluded from the defense presenting as, well, an actual defense, it’s probably best he didn’t allow this either. Just makes it that much easier for Trump’s appeal. Hopefully that crazy bitch has already spent herself into debt.
Kaplan ignoring the appellate court decisions while not disclosing his prior professional mentor/mentee relationship with Carroll’s attorney says a lot about the intelligence of those thinking this was at all objectively tried. You’re a liar, you’re a racist, you’re a fool, you’re a follower, it’s just too fun fucking with you as you show you’re all of these things.
He’s a racist and a misogynist. Ask his opinion on Paula Jones and that settlement. Or Tara Reade being harassed by Biden’s FBI after finding out she was going to testify to Congress about Joe sexually assaulting her.
Weird how everyone with him that day, including John Bolton, say they never heard him say it. Anonymous sources and outright lies are all you’ve got and it seems smart people are trending away from this line of campaigning by you Democrats.
Why did you lie? It’s really all you do. I will say your “industrial capitalism” snoozer of a post read like something from a 200-level Economics class assignment. No wonder you almost always stick to your wheelhouse of misogyny, racism, and lies.
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Just take the L dumbass QB/MeritScholar/Pedophile/Trans-Allied Pervert.
NOC about your pathetic utterances on this topic, so STFU and stay away from kids.
Weinstein's island?
I guess they all look alike to Atl.
Yes, we already know you lied. Based on what this judge excluded from the defense presenting as, well, an actual defense, it’s probably best he didn’t allow this either. Just makes it that much easier for Trump’s appeal. Hopefully that crazy bitch has already spent herself into debt.
Daddy being prevented from retrying the first case is appealable?
Good luck, Matlock.
Kaplan ignoring the appellate court decisions while not disclosing his prior professional mentor/mentee relationship with Carroll’s attorney says a lot about the intelligence of those thinking this was at all objectively tried. You’re a liar, you’re a racist, you’re a fool, you’re a follower, it’s just too fun fucking with you as you show you’re all of these things.
Yes, that jovial tone reflects how much fun you're having.
Why did you lie?
Use the web versions with the Twitter URL address to hot link.
"You should believe me!", screeched Juanita. "Just disregard my perjury."
Believe all women has spoken.
He’s a racist and a misogynist. Ask his opinion on Paula Jones and that settlement. Or Tara Reade being harassed by Biden’s FBI after finding out she was going to testify to Congress about Joe sexually assaulting her.
Turns out the other lead counsel used to clerk for the judge and Judge Kaplan officiated at her wedding.
I’m sure they’re all getting a nice reward from Epstein buddy Reid Hoffman, who funded Carroll’s case and paid her attorney (and judge) fees.
Check this guy’s hard drive…
No need to ask his opinion. The answer is very predictable, hypocritical and non-substantive.
Sounds "damaged" to me. Poor thing. Not batshit crazy at all.
Odd you don't disregard the submission of false evidence in the Trump case. But hey you're a worthless POS.
I've NEVER said that. Nice try on the hypocrisy angle.
Sure. The dazzler just votes for dems who said it.
Gasbag just votes for the candidate who calls dead soldiers "suckers".
Weird how everyone with him that day, including John Bolton, say they never heard him say it. Anonymous sources and outright lies are all you’ve got and it seems smart people are trending away from this line of campaigning by you Democrats.
Why did you lie? It’s really all you do. I will say your “industrial capitalism” snoozer of a post read like something from a 200-level Economics class assignment. No wonder you almost always stick to your wheelhouse of misogyny, racism, and lies.