lol, how in the hell does their fixing twitter embeddings change the comment box and remove quoting someone so its possible to tell who they are responding too? Code must be a total mess… also no more preview to make sure the embedding/quote is working alright?
The comment box is different now too
I guess my only concern is that we can't quote above posts. I will inquire.
And you don't have to delete the "s"
Yeah, quote is gone, and so is the option to bold something. Vanilla giveth, and it taketh away
Bold and strike are gone even on the full site. Fuckin vanilla
lol, how in the hell does their fixing twitter embeddings change the comment box and remove quoting someone so its possible to tell who they are responding too? Code must be a total mess… also no more preview to make sure the embedding/quote is working alright?
Its fucking nothing
profile pictures now show up when you "@" someone
@EsophagealFeces its hard
Okay we got quote back. I went to the dashboard and saw that when I switched to the new format, it reset some things.
Did it always work where you could access those from mobile by highlighting the text? Maybe I’m just a retard
fuck shit
ballsI was hoping the new interface would stop allowing the mouth breathers to put text above the quotes.
Big, if true
Two dads emoji
I have so many questions.
First, why?
Second, how dare they?
Third, why can’t I format or change the text in the quote box?
two dads has always been an apple emoji… come on guysm.
This whole notification thing when someone quotes you is a little much.
it’s terrible
I hate it