You convinced me, Race. Pocket change on the Dwags to win outright and the same amount to cover the spread. I never bet on my team but J F C. This is DeBoner we are talking about.
Waitaminute. You mean that sports betting is a game of chance?
Keep feeding the shitty cartoons to us.
Agree, but most AI artwork is nightmare fuel for me.
To the extent it matters, you can specify styles. Someone’s I throw in “cartoon in the style of Roy Liechtenstein” so you can have photorealistic Harry the Husky sharing a Vespa ride on the Strip with Macklemore that way, or photorealistic, or whatever.
Waitaminute. You mean that sports betting is a game of chance?
Keep feeding the shitty cartoons to us.
Agree, but most AI artwork is nightmare fuel for me.
To the extent it matters, you can specify styles. Someone’s I throw in “cartoon in the style of Roy Liechtenstein” so you can have photorealistic Harry the Husky sharing a Vespa ride on the Strip that way, or photorealistic, or whatever.
Wash ton fans, open yo got damn EYES
GA Dawgs
@AZDuck on fire off the shoulder of the wam.
I watched clapping seals glitter in the dark near the Gorst Raodhouse.
All those moments will be lost in the boreds, like tears from Caleb Williams.
Time to brb, yo.
Vanilla Ice be jealous.