Publisher's Note: For heightened effect and better thread viewing experiences,
play the included tunes at the end of threads while reading.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C

Exhibit D
OJ Simpson - Freemason, Actor. Starred in "Naked Gun 33 1/3," in the film
"CIA Codename Alexa," & "Capricorn One," a film about faking a Mars Landing.
Kato Kaelin - Actor
Megyn Kelly - Fake News MSM Anchor (MSM Anchors are all actors)
Kim Goldman - Trans? Actor (transvestites are actors; stop trying to ruin the
Olympics and I'll stop calling you transvestites)
Robert Shapiro - High Level Hollywood/Los Angeles area Warlock
Johnnie Cockroach - The name says it all
Robert Kardashian - Former Head of the Kardashian Crime Family, Principal Investor
in "Juice Inc"
Closing Argument: A Classic Mason/Hollywood/CIA Divide & Conquer Race Psyop.
"The Juice" paid the Piper for an illustrious football career, while ascending to a
higher level on the Masonic Pyramid, in service to the former Corporation of the
United States of the City of London. Unlikely he spent very much time in prison,
if at all. Apparently he spends a lot of time wearing sunglasses and tanning,
perhaps on a beach on Epstein Island. Look at the area around his eyes in recent
Instructions to the Jury:
If the Golves Fit, you Must Not Acquit

Fuck me. The Megyn Kelly/Nicole Simpson clone angle. Hadn't thought of it -but I see it now.
Wood either one of them.
The Throbber has so much rhythm right now, it is scary.
Marcia Clark - Lead Prosecutor, Actress, "Pretty Little Liars" TV Series
Christopher Darden - Prosecutor, Actor in the Jim Carrey film "Liar, Liar"
Gil Garcetti - District Attorney, Producer of "The Closer" and "Major Crimes"