I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
That's all dandy until the government doesn't give two shits about what you have to say and continues on a non-constitutional course.
That's why we vote. Protest always matters, and elected officials can't ignore anything for very long if it has public support.
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
That's all dandy until the government doesn't give two shits about what you have to say and continues on a non-constitutional course.
That's why we vote. Protest always matters, and elected officials can't ignore anything for very long if it has public support.
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
That's all dandy until the government doesn't give two shits about what you have to say and continues on a non-constitutional course.
That's why we vote. Protest always matters, and elected officials can't ignore anything for very long if it has public support.
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
That's all dandy until the government doesn't give two shits about what you have to say and continues on a non-constitutional course.
That's why we vote. Protest always matters, and elected officials can't ignore anything for very long if it has public support.
The British didn't think so.
He said it's OK!
So how do you propose to avoid being ordered to stay home forever? Flu season around the corner!
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
That's all dandy until the government doesn't give two shits about what you have to say and continues on a non-constitutional course.
That's why we vote. Protest always matters, and elected officials can't ignore anything for very long if it has public support.
The British didn't think so.
He said it's OK!
So how do you propose to avoid being ordered to stay home forever? Flu season around the corner!
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
My hope is the 'protestors' on both sides clash in a bloody battle ending in absolute carnage and death. We could use fewer of the extremes on the bell curve and if they whack one another, WTF cares?
My other hope is if Inslee and his west coast fucktards keep playing this goal post moving game, he sends out his vaunted storm trooping Washington State Patrol (ooohhh, scary....radar guns) and Trump says "Hold my non-alcoholic beer" and deploys the Federal troops ala Little Rock.
Or Insless can quit playing this game of political chicken and slink back into his fucktard hole.
And, no, not a fan of vandalism of private property or vigilante violence (exception made per above). But at some point, if the fucktards keep fucktarding, there's only so many times to turn the other cheek. Ax King George about that. Generally, The Throbber would rant then go back to work/porn/drinking - but we're heading into unprecedented territory and if it's going to take more than being a keyboard jockey to ward off the communist plague, so be it. For the most part, the Boomers/Gen Xers haven't lived a life of sacrifice and duty in the last 60 years.
George Washington and company answered that question the day (April 19 1775) the British marched to seize the colonists arms and powder stores. I wonder why they'd ever do that? Damn gun control in 1775? Our founders shot them.
The founders would have started shooting long ago.
Your pussy hats ugly! What will you do? Sue?
I don't want to shoot anyone but I won't live in chains.
George Washington and company answered that question the day (April 19 1775) the British marched to seize the colonists arms and powder stores. I wonder why they'd ever do that? Damn gun control in 1775? Our founders shot them.
The founders would have started shooting long ago.
Your pussy hats ugly! What will you do? Sue?
I don't want to shoot anyone but I won't live in chains.
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
My hope is the 'protestors' on both sides clash in a bloody battle ending in absolute carnage and death. We could use fewer of the extremes on the bell curve and if they whack one another, WTF cares?
My other hope is if Inslee and his west coast fucktards keep playing this goal post moving game, he sends out his vaunted storm trooping Washington State Patrol (ooohhh, scary....radar guns) and Trump says "Hold my non-alcoholic beer" and deploys the Federal troops ala Little Rock.
Or Insless can quit playing this game of political chicken and slink back into his fucktard hole.
And, no, not a fan of vandalism of private property or vigilante violence (exception made per above). But at some point, if the fucktards keep fucktarding, there's only so many times to turn the other cheek. Ax King George about that. Generally, The Throbber would rant then go back to work/porn/drinking - but we're heading into unprecedented territory and if it's going to take more than being a keyboard jockey to ward off the communist plague, so be it. For the most part, the Boomers/Gen Xers haven't lived a life of sacrifice and duty in the last 60 years.
If you want "everyone" to focus on your guns instead of your message to open up then bring a gun
A second amendment rally sure. My Panthers in Olympia - hell yes that was cooler than fuck and I'm old enough to remember when Black activists knew who wanted to grab their guns and wanted to stop it
Some people do need to be armed in a prepare for war so you don't have to fight it kind of way
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
My hope is the 'protestors' on both sides clash in a bloody battle ending in absolute carnage and death. We could use fewer of the extremes on the bell curve and if they whack one another, WTF cares?
My other hope is if Inslee and his west coast fucktards keep playing this goal post moving game, he sends out his vaunted storm trooping Washington State Patrol (ooohhh, scary....radar guns) and Trump says "Hold my non-alcoholic beer" and deploys the Federal troops ala Little Rock.
Or Insless can quit playing this game of political chicken and slink back into his fucktard hole.
And, no, not a fan of vandalism of private property or vigilante violence (exception made per above). But at some point, if the fucktards keep fucktarding, there's only so many times to turn the other cheek. Ax King George about that. Generally, The Throbber would rant then go back to work/porn/drinking - but we're heading into unprecedented territory and if it's going to take more than being a keyboard jockey to ward off the communist plague, so be it. For the most part, the Boomers/Gen Xers haven't lived a life of sacrifice and duty in the last 60 years.
I don't think it'll come to that.
I don't either - because Inslee is a tremendous pussy boy. Trump is going to let the wave of outrage start at the Idaho border and build it's way until it encircles and chokes out King County.
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
My hope is the 'protestors' on both sides clash in a bloody battle ending in absolute carnage and death. We could use fewer of the extremes on the bell curve and if they whack one another, WTF cares?
My other hope is if Inslee and his west coast fucktards keep playing this goal post moving game, he sends out his vaunted storm trooping Washington State Patrol (ooohhh, scary....radar guns) and Trump says "Hold my non-alcoholic beer" and deploys the Federal troops ala Little Rock.
Or Insless can quit playing this game of political chicken and slink back into his fucktard hole.
And, no, not a fan of vandalism of private property or vigilante violence (exception made per above). But at some point, if the fucktards keep fucktarding, there's only so many times to turn the other cheek. Ax King George about that. Generally, The Throbber would rant then go back to work/porn/drinking - but we're heading into unprecedented territory and if it's going to take more than being a keyboard jockey to ward off the communist plague, so be it. For the most part, the Boomers/Gen Xers haven't lived a life of sacrifice and duty in the last 60 years.
I don't think it'll come to that.
I don't either - because Inslee is a tremendous pussy boy. Trump is going to let the wave of outrage start at the Idaho border and build it's way until it encircles and chokes out King County.
It's already starting.
It's starting everywhere. They are growing very restless down in Grays Harbor. Nobody's died there of COVID, and they were poor enough before this started.
But, back to the point of my post, you don't need a gun to make this point, and I continue to laff like an idiot hyena at people who tote guns for the sole purpose of feeling tuff. If you could search their souls, I think you'd find that most of these people are not really engaged in any real or sincere civil protest; showing up in costume just makes them feel good for whatever reason.
Like I said; my gun is in my pants. That's the one I use for feel good tim. But each to his own.
I am worried though. Sounds like my brother coug and Sleddy are ready to shoot some bitches.
I've never understood the urge to show up with weapons. Show up with your dick in your hands instead; less likely to have an unfortunate accident.
I miss when the government protected the rights of its citizenry.
Although I am, without dispute, on record as not being a huge fan of the government, I would argue it still does. People protest a wide range of shit in this country literally every single day. It never, ever stops. And when you see it, there are always armed forces of some stripe standing by facilitating it.
There comes a point, and there has always come a point, when a protest morphs into a mindless mob. At that point, we have a police force, unless you want to argue that we shouldn't have a police force. Nothing new happening here IMHO.
I'll be clear about this: people can protest all they want, for whatever they want, for as long as they want. How they do it has always been, and will always be, the tricky part and there is no escape from judgment, even in the reactionary Tug. Destruction of property? No. Harming others? No. Threatening others? That's where it gets difficult.
So all we're talking about here is style. What's your style? Mine is to show up and say what I have to say and then go get a beer and get back to work. If it's my protest, I don't want weekend warrior dumb fucks dressed up like they're going to do something when, in fact, they're not going to do anything. They never do. It's a stupid show for mostly men with small cocks.
If I'm being honest, I find 'those' people to not be my kind of people and I'd rather they not show up to my parties or my protests. It is my inalienable right to feel this way; don't tread on my opinions ese.
I'm giving it to you straight as you would expect from me.
My hope is the 'protestors' on both sides clash in a bloody battle ending in absolute carnage and death. We could use fewer of the extremes on the bell curve and if they whack one another, WTF cares?
My other hope is if Inslee and his west coast fucktards keep playing this goal post moving game, he sends out his vaunted storm trooping Washington State Patrol (ooohhh, scary....radar guns) and Trump says "Hold my non-alcoholic beer" and deploys the Federal troops ala Little Rock.
Or Insless can quit playing this game of political chicken and slink back into his fucktard hole.
And, no, not a fan of vandalism of private property or vigilante violence (exception made per above). But at some point, if the fucktards keep fucktarding, there's only so many times to turn the other cheek. Ax King George about that. Generally, The Throbber would rant then go back to work/porn/drinking - but we're heading into unprecedented territory and if it's going to take more than being a keyboard jockey to ward off the communist plague, so be it. For the most part, the Boomers/Gen Xers haven't lived a life of sacrifice and duty in the last 60 years.
I don't think it'll come to that.
I don't either - because Inslee is a tremendous pussy boy. Trump is going to let the wave of outrage start at the Idaho border and build it's way until it encircles and chokes out King County.
It's already starting.
It's starting everywhere. They are growing very restless down in Grays Harbor. Nobody's died there of COVID, and they were poor enough before this started.
But, back to the point of my post, you don't need a gun to make this point, and I continue to laff like an idiot hyena at people who tote guns for the sole purpose of feeling tuff. If you could search their souls, I think you'd find that most of these people are not really engaged in any real or sincere civil protest; showing up in costume just makes them feel good for whatever reason.
Like I said; my gun is in my pants. That's the one I use for feel good tim. But each to his own.
I am worried though. Sounds like my brother coug and Sleddy are ready to shoot some bitches.
Whether one uses a gun to make their point is an entirely different topic than their Constitutional right to carry one.
It's kind of dick move (and strictly prohibited) to carrying a weapon into a court or a legislative body or whatever....but if some guy wants to wander around town or appear in a parade with his shoulder holster visible and is properly credentialed, no skin of my teeth. Same as the guys in Texas who showed up to church with their firearms and shot the mass shooter right between the eyes. Not going to get into the discussion of this is good optics and that is bad optics because once you go down that path, it opens the can of worms of "who" gets to decide good and bad subjectively. It's his right. His rights ends when he points it at me for no justifiable reason.
You have the right to laugh at them too. The Throbber will defend both.
The battle of Athens.
It's going to be on a larger scale if the dems get the vote rigging they want.
So how do you propose to avoid being ordered to stay home forever? Flu season around the corner!
My other hope is if Inslee and his west coast fucktards keep playing this goal post moving game, he sends out his vaunted storm trooping Washington State Patrol (ooohhh, scary....radar guns) and Trump says "Hold my non-alcoholic beer" and deploys the Federal troops ala Little Rock.
Or Insless can quit playing this game of political chicken and slink back into his fucktard hole.
And, no, not a fan of vandalism of private property or vigilante violence (exception made per above). But at some point, if the fucktards keep fucktarding, there's only so many times to turn the other cheek. Ax King George about that. Generally, The Throbber would rant then go back to work/porn/drinking - but we're heading into unprecedented territory and if it's going to take more than being a keyboard jockey to ward off the communist plague, so be it. For the most part, the Boomers/Gen Xers haven't lived a life of sacrifice and duty in the last 60 years.
The founders would have started shooting long ago.
Your pussy hats ugly! What will you do? Sue?
I don't want to shoot anyone but I won't live in chains.
May they rest easy upon you!
Maybe School House Rock can explain it.
A second amendment rally sure. My Panthers in Olympia - hell yes that was cooler than fuck and I'm old enough to remember when Black activists knew who wanted to grab their guns and wanted to stop it
Some people do need to be armed in a prepare for war so you don't have to fight it kind of way
It's already starting.
But, back to the point of my post, you don't need a gun to make this point, and I continue to laff like an idiot hyena at people who tote guns for the sole purpose of feeling tuff. If you could search their souls, I think you'd find that most of these people are not really engaged in any real or sincere civil protest; showing up in costume just makes them feel good for whatever reason.
Like I said; my gun is in my pants. That's the one I use for feel good tim. But each to his own.
I am worried though. Sounds like my brother coug and Sleddy are ready to shoot some bitches.
It's kind of dick move (and strictly prohibited) to carrying a weapon into a court or a legislative body or whatever....but if some guy wants to wander around town or appear in a parade with his shoulder holster visible and is properly credentialed, no skin of my teeth. Same as the guys in Texas who showed up to church with their firearms and shot the mass shooter right between the eyes. Not going to get into the discussion of this is good optics and that is bad optics because once you go down that path, it opens the can of worms of "who" gets to decide good and bad subjectively. It's his right. His rights ends when he points it at me for no justifiable reason.
You have the right to laugh at them too. The Throbber will defend both.