The dwags of Montlake have dropped 13 of the last 15 games to the ducks.

I don't mention this fact to boast, to quook, or to remind you of (continuing) tough tims, but rather to highlight a longer term football trend that seems to have some staying power. Some history:
Welfare Queen Mike Bellotti raped UW from 2004 onward, like he's raping the state of Oregon to the tune of 47K a month in PERS handouts. Chip took over and continued the plungering for another 4 years. The huskies never beat him at Oregon.

Enter Slingblade, who beat Sark before breaking the handle off in Peter Pan's butt for 2 additional years. The ducks then took a brief hiatus from caring about football and UW beat a slovenly Mark Helfrich on his way out. The poor guy was so defeated by that time he had even forgotten how to shave. His replacement, and arguably one of the worst coaches in CFB, Willie Taggart, lost a game neither he nor the team seemed to care about before bolting to Tallahassee for greener pastures.

Last year's 30-27 loss to Cristobal and his staff of clowns, who got blown out at Arizona and the Coug, is just another chapter in a continuing saga of football malfeasance that shows no signs of abating.
First the disappearing act, and now this weak ass attempt at shit talking?
This is the same lack of effort that will lead to the ducks getting the dry plunger this season. It's coming and obk knows it.
Endpoints are fun.
Only Dillon saved us in 96
Could we take, say, Chip Kelly's record vs. Washington and extrapolate.
I like the old school, you are what your record says you are. NOFC why your record is what it is. It just is. God is not watching.