To those that are voting against Airplane, surely you can’t be serious.
Don’t call me Shirley.
I can't believe it took this long for someone to properly respond to @Doog_de_Jour.
Fuck guys! You are slipping.
Anyway, I'll always have Airplane up there. Easily top 5 for me for various reasons. Its storyline is taken from "Zero Hour", which I've never seen before.
To those that are voting against Airplane, surely you can’t be serious.
Don’t call me Shirley.
I can't believe it took this long for someone to properly respond to @Doog_de_Jour.
Fuck guys! You are slipping.
Anyway, I'll always have Airplane up there. Easily top 5 for me for various reasons. Its storyline is taken from "Zero Hour", which I've never seen before.
To those that are voting against Airplane, surely you can’t be serious.
Don’t call me Shirley.
I can't believe it took this long for someone to properly respond to @Doog_de_Jour.
Fuck guys! You are slipping.
Anyway, I'll always have Airplane up there. Easily top 5 for me for various reasons. Its storyline is taken from "Zero Hour", which I've never seen before.
Fuck guys! You are slipping.
Anyway, I'll always have Airplane up there. Easily top 5 for me for various reasons. Its storyline is taken from "Zero Hour", which I've never seen before.