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Dems aren't Anti-Semitic...

HoustonHuskyHoustonHusky Member Posts: 5,961
House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

Bizarre rationalization, but what is new...



  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457

    My guess is it makes sense to HondoFS.

    Rent free.
  • MikeDamoneMikeDamone Member Posts: 37,781
    edited March 2019
    2001400ex said:

    My guess is it makes sense to HondoFS.

    Rent free.
    Yet you responded.

    You’re too stupid to figure out what the rent you’re paying is.
  • MikeDamoneMikeDamone Member Posts: 37,781

    The fuck is this bitch talking about?!?! She spent time in a refugee camp in Kenya...

    There's 600 Jews in Kenya...out of a population of 49.7 million

    And she's claiming her anti-semitism is because of those 600 people....!?!?!?!


    Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.
  • Pitchfork51Pitchfork51 Member Posts: 26,850
    Somali boobs aren't a thing

    Joobs > somalia
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,454 Standard Supporter

    Somali boobs aren't a thing

    Joobs > somalia

    I dunno, man. I bing image searched 'soobs' and it wasn't bad.

    Need to dive deeper.

    brb yo.

  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,350 Founders Club

    House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

    Bizarre rationalization, but what is new...

    Imagine telling Blacks to get over slavery because it was long before the Holocaust and this babe in Somalia and her refugee camp
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,940

    House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

    Bizarre rationalization, but what is new...

    What the hell does that even mean? Was the violence in Somalia being carried out by the Jews?
  • PurpleThrobberPurpleThrobber Member Posts: 43,454 Standard Supporter

    House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., tried to minimize her comments by arguing that she escaped violence in Somalia, so her experience was "more personal" than Jews who merely had parents survive the Holocaust.

    Bizarre rationalization, but what is new...

    Imagine telling Blacks to get over slavery because it was long before the Holocaust and this babe in Somalia and her refugee camp
    That's a fine line. And hear me out not to be adversarial but from a 'help me understand' perspective.

    The Throbber falls in the camp that, yes, really bad things have happened in the past. REALLY bad things like slavery and the holocaust and Somali genocides and Japanese-American internment camps. Those are ALL bad things to varying degrees. Christians were killed by the Moors in Spain. Romans killed Christians....on and on and on....... BAD shit has happened on this planet. And we need to recognize and respect that. You don't run around yelling "Scoreboard" at Jews when it comes to how many were gassed. Not cool. Bad shit has happened to EVERY fucking race on this globe and every fucking religion. Most of the time it was totally undeserved persecution - but the persecutors are generally long dead and gone.

    Where The Throbber has an issue is - if EVERYBODY has been shit on throughout history - how can one race's/religion being shit on end up being any worse than any other being shit on?!? And, more to the point, why should WASPY Throbber be any more or less accountable or made to feel guilty about a specific incident and not acknowledge all the other crap? The Throbber didn't do shit to any of those people. The Throbber loves the brown sugar, not as much as Uncle Race obviously, but close. The Throbber loves the Asians and their bad driving habits......and, then, of course, there's joobs. The Throbber loves everyone, even that dumbfuck @MariotaTheGawd. Certainly he has some redeeming characteristic but I can't put my finger on it just yet. Willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. And the @Swaye 's....bad shit, for sure -but they are sticking it to the man like motherfuckers with casinos and oil wells and shit. Good on them.

    At what point does the line get drawn where the statute of limitations runs out on playing the victim card for a particular race or sex or religion?

    Again, bad shit has happened from the time Adam got busy on Eve's apple/snake thing....but holy shit, how long are we supposed to live in the past and pay for the sins of my father's father's father's father?

    I just don't know. And i'm quite serious about that. The Throbber has enough erectile dysfunction issues, bratty kid problems, job pressures, dealing with trespassers at the Compound....all sorts of crap. I just don't have time or energy to take on someone else's burdens, too. Nor do I think I should be required to. Or pay for it emotionally or financially. Get a fucking job or jack off furiously or join a cult...whatever. But their problems seriously are not mine. Doesn't mean they didn't happen, doesn't mean they weren't horrific. I just see no logical explanation for going down that path....

    I don't have a problem with this but 2018 does

    Nobody does better by being a victim. Jesse Jackson in the 80's did rallies where he said be a victor not a victim. Its a large part of my 1988 support for him. Our democrats have set up victim classes and hell is coming to breakfast for anyone seen as minimizing the pain unless victim groups collide like we are seeing now which is get the popcorn time

    Would a Black teen be better served by being told of the opportunities in America or being told he has no shot due to systemic racism that remains to this day?

    Do we have systemic racism? Or are we now combing through thoughts and statements to make sure every last American isn't racist in any way? Good luck with that. All races harbor racism towards others. The government should get rid of racism in government areas like it has. Elected officials should be held to a high standard. Why do you care what some fuck in a trailer thinks? He has less power than anyone.

    We have a party that won't let go of using racism as a political tool.
    I've said this before - I believe we as a country were more enlightened and sensitive and tolerant back in the 70's and 80's than today. If it had a good beat and was easy to dance to...right on. If I could find four brothers who'd rather play man than zone in pickup, damn straight I was going to ball with them. Gave zero fucks and neither did they.

    I just don't get this full-on, everything is racial all the time. If people are spending that much time and energy on perceived injustices.....they are wrong - see above, I got too much other shit to worry about than hating on anyone because of their skin color or religion or sex. I mean, hate fucking doesn't really fall in that category so I'm taking a mulligan there.

  • MikeDamoneMikeDamone Member Posts: 37,781
    I’m going to need link that has the context. Not a video though. I don’t time to learn anything.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,350 Founders Club

    I’m going to need link that has the context. Not a video though. I don’t time to learn anything.

    I didn't say it was a factual comment I said the comment was factual
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,940

    I’m going to need link that has the context. Not a video though. I don’t time to learn anything.

    I didn't say it was a factual comment I said the comment was factual
    Hillary's comment was based upon facts that weren't factual. What's wrong with your reading comprehension? You're just lying with statistics even though your statistics are factual and my claims against them are not.
  • 2001400ex2001400ex Member Posts: 29,457
    Lots of free pub.
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