I mentioned this a year or so ago. They hate the Constitution, the country, the SC and everything and everyone who disagrees with them and they would burn it all down if it meant they could force everyone to act, think and say exactly what they want.
https://news.yahoo.com/nicholas-goldberg-hate-supreme-court-100019517.html?fr=sycsrp_catchallNicholas Goldberg: Hate the Supreme Court? Our problems actually start with the Constitution
But let’s be honest: The problem isn’t just with the justices. The problem, or at least a substantial portion of it, lies with the U.S. Constitution itself.
Yes, the hallowed Constitution, the document hammered out in 1787 by 55 bewigged men in Philadelphia. Our revered charter that lays out the foundational rules and principles at the heart of the American experiment: freedom of speech and religion, the separation of powers, federalism, bicameralism and all the other checks, balances, rights, promises and innovations that make this nation what it is.
These days the Constitution is showing its age.
“It was written by a small group of white male landowners clustered along the Eastern Seaboard in a largely agrarian society in the late 1700s,” said David S. Law, a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law who studies courts and constitutions around the world. “How could it possibly fit the needs of a highly diverse country of 300-plus-million people in the 21st century, a military and economic superpower in a globalized world, a highly developed, post-industrial nation that stretches from sea to shining sea?”
And here we are. When you have a weak mentally deficient POTUS it makes it much easier. Joey will never forcefully defend the men or the document.
Or convince 2/3 of the states to overturn it.
Good luck either way. Choose wisely, you downvoting faggots.
So they are willing to lie and cheat to justify their leftist faggotry.