It's just a little ol' Catholic Church in West Virginia- The left has moral superiority so its alright. I'm sure the timing of SCOTUS ruling is just coincidental.
It's just a little ol' Catholic Church in West Virginia- The left has moral superiority so its alright. I'm sure the timing of SCOTUS ruling is just coincidental.
It's only bad when you're trying to blame whites for burning down black churches. When it's blacks burning down their own churches, or leftists burning down churches in Canada or the US it's okay and a form of protest.
I don't want publicly funded fire fighters fighting church fires
The wall of separation
Since the don’t pay taxes they should have no right to fire protection. And no right to an emergency response in an accident or medical emergency…. Left logic Simple extension of “no vax, no healthcare “
Of course they’d never extend that to other non profits like BLM.
I don't want publicly funded fire fighters fighting church fires
The wall of separation
Since the don’t pay taxes they should have no right to fire protection. And no right to an emergency response in an accident or medical emergency…. Left logic Simple extension of “no vax, no healthcare “
Of course they’d never extend that to other non profits like BLM.
Same with universities. They need to be paying their fair share or give up the campuses to the indigenous.
I don't want publicly funded fire fighters fighting church fires
The wall of separation
Since the don’t pay taxes they should have no right to fire protection. And no right to an emergency response in an accident or medical emergency…. Left logic Simple extension of “no vax, no healthcare “
Of course they’d never extend that to other non profits like BLM.
Same with universities. They need to be paying their fair share or give up the campuses to the indigenous.
I don't want publicly funded fire fighters fighting church fires
The wall of separation
Since the don’t pay taxes they should have no right to fire protection. And no right to an emergency response in an accident or medical emergency…. Left logic Simple extension of “no vax, no healthcare “
Of course they’d never extend that to other non profits like BLM.
Same with universities. They need to be paying their fair share or give up the campuses to the indigenous.
I always wanted to own Suzzallo.
Agree. That library is stunning, coolest building on campus IMHO.
The wall of separation
Of course they’d never extend that to other non profits like BLM.