Cho Bai Den is a phucking dementia patient whose "advisors" don't have a clue about math, science, history and economics and think being gay or trans is all the resume you need and that cheap green renewables powered by unicorn farts should be national policy and that printing money you don't have has nothing to do with inflation despite what that mean Milton Friedman might say. And yet, like the dazzler this cretin has the intelligence and experience of Greta Thune and the integrity of a young Joe Biden, his son Hunter or Adam Schiff.
Cho Bai Den is a phucking dementia patient whose "advisors" don't have a clue about math, science, history and economics and think being gay or trans is all the resume you need and that cheap green renewables powered by unicorn farts should be national policy and that printing money you don't have has nothing to do with inflation despite what that mean Milton Friedman might say. And yet, like the dazzler this cretin has the intelligence and experience of Greta Thune and the integrity of a young Joe Biden, his son Hunter or Adam Schiff.
Cho Bai Den is a phucking dementia patient whose "advisors" don't have a clue about math, science, history and economics and think being gay or trans is all the resume you need and that cheap green renewables powered by unicorn farts should be national policy and that printing money you don't have has nothing to do with inflation despite what that mean Milton Friedman might say. And yet, like the dazzler this cretin has the intelligence and experience of Greta Thune and the integrity of a young Joe Biden, his son Hunter or Adam Schiff.
Cho Bai Den is a phucking dementia patient whose "advisors" don't have a clue about math, science, history and economics and think being gay or trans is all the resume you need and that cheap green renewables powered by unicorn farts should be national policy and that printing money you don't have has nothing to do with inflation despite what that mean Milton Friedman might say. And yet, like the dazzler this cretin has the intelligence and experience of Greta Thune and the integrity of a young Joe Biden, his son Hunter or Adam Schiff.