While Americans are losing their retirements, inflation rages out of control, gas prices are forcing people to eat or drive, our Veggie in Chief is once again at his beach house learning to ride a bike.
So what I have learned in the past couple of hours on Twitter:
- it’s very common for 20-30 year olds to fall of their bike. Happens all the time, at least a couple of times per ride apparently. Which is funny I haven’t fallen off a bike since I was like 3 years old and the training wheels came ofd.
- if you are pro life and make fun of an old guy falling off his bike you are a hypocrite.
Is there an adult in charge at the White House with a working brain? All who thought that putting the dementia patient on a bike for a photo op to show that Cho Bai Den is a vigorous and mentally able President take one step forward for summary execution. Geezus.
So what I have learned in the past couple of hours on Twitter:
- it’s very common for 20-30 year olds to fall of their bike. Happens all the time, at least a couple of times per ride apparently. Which is funny I haven’t fallen off a bike since I was like 3 years old and the training wheels came ofd.
- if you are pro life and make fun of an old guy falling off his bike you are a hypocrite.
Maybe the country gets lucky and Diaper Joe breaks a hip.
The Throbbers departed mother used to joke about a broken hip being the first step into the grave.
So what I have learned in the past couple of hours on Twitter:
- it’s very common for 20-30 year olds to fall of their bike. Happens all the time, at least a couple of times per ride apparently. Which is funny I haven’t fallen off a bike since I was like 3 years old and the training wheels came ofd.
- if you are pro life and make fun of an old guy falling off his bike you are a hypocrite.
Maybe the country gets lucky and Diaper Joe breaks a hip.
The Throbbers departed mother used to joke about a broken hip being the first step into the grave.
So what I have learned in the past couple of hours on Twitter:
- it’s very common for 20-30 year olds to fall of their bike. Happens all the time, at least a couple of times per ride apparently. Which is funny I haven’t fallen off a bike since I was like 3 years old and the training wheels came ofd.
- if you are pro life and make fun of an old guy falling off his bike you are a hypocrite.
Maybe the country gets lucky and Diaper Joe breaks a hip.
The Throbbers departed mother used to joke about a broken hip being the first step into the grave.
So what I have learned in the past couple of hours on Twitter:
- it’s very common for 20-30 year olds to fall of their bike. Happens all the time, at least a couple of times per ride apparently. Which is funny I haven’t fallen off a bike since I was like 3 years old and the training wheels came ofd.
- if you are pro life and make fun of an old guy falling off his bike you are a hypocrite.
Maybe the country gets lucky and Diaper Joe breaks a hip.
The Throbbers departed mother used to joke about a broken hip being the first step into the grave.
When did she drop dead.
Back a few years ago when Covid was known as a cold and kids were encouraged to attend drag shows.
Great allegory of his administration, esp with regards to the economy. Clip starts with him cruising slightly downhill, he slowly comes to a stop, and then falls right over…
Great allegory of his administration, esp with regards to the economy. Clip starts with him cruising slightly downhill, he slowly comes to a stop, and then falls right over…
Artie Johnson style. Get this decrepit old shit a tricycle.
He needs to resign. Immediately.
Look at that little downvoting faggot go.
Which validates that Joe Diapers needs to resign.
- it’s very common for 20-30 year olds to fall of their bike. Happens all the time, at least a couple of times per ride apparently. Which is funny I haven’t fallen off a bike since I was like 3 years old and the training wheels came ofd.
- if you are pro life and make fun of an old guy falling off his bike you are a hypocrite.
The Throbbers departed mother used to joke about a broken hip being the first step into the grave.