Rats treat Conservative women like shit. We have seen it over and over again. Talk down to them, call them whores, egg them, etc. We have also seen rats put on the white pointy hood every time a black American switches over to the GOP or steps one tiny toe off of that rat plantation. The names they call them are horrible and the personal destruction they lay on them while cancelling their jobs, blacklisting them from Hollywood and killing their livelihoods is all too common. I think it is fair to say rats who have been scorned by women and minorities are brutal, racist, misogynistic and fascist in their treatment of them.
Want to see the real pointy hats come out? Watch as the rats continue to watch black Americans run for GOP office. It will be more than they can handle and a lot of fun to watch. Rats have failed the black community, actually hastened the decline and then support all the bad that has happened.
This is why rats are so desperate to turn the Latin illegal crowd into the next black family disaster that is dependent on rat government to survive. They see a trend in the black leadership that is alarming them. Time to enslave a different minority group. The problem is, the Latin groups are extremely family oriented and see opportunity in this country. For 60 years the rat party has been telling the black community they are victims, that America hates them. Illegals (many of them) don't believe that bullshit the rats drum beat into the heads of our black brothers and sisters.
https://www.newsweek.com/record-number-black-republicans-are-running-office-theyre-revolutionizing-gop-opinion-1715061A record number of Black Republican candidates are running for congressional office this year. The National Republican Congressional Committee counted 81 African American candidates running under the GOP banner in 72 congressional districts in 2022. This is more than a 50 percent increase over the 2020 election cycle. And if the GOP knows what's good for it, this will be the start of a new era in right-wing politics.
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) told the Washington Times that having more Black conservatives in the House has helped to inspire more Black voters to give GOP candidates a chance. "They see me. They see Burgess. They saw [Rep. Allen West of Florida]. They saw [Rep. Mia Love of Utah]. They see [Virginia Lt. Gov.] Winsome Sears. They see [North Carolina Lt. Gov.] Mark Robinson," he explained. "And what they say is, 'You know what? Maybe I should step up, too.'"
Recent data shows that Donalds' assessment is spot on: In March, the Wall Street Journal published the results of a poll showing that Democrats were bleeding support among Black Americans. Meanwhile support for GOP candidates in the upcoming congressional elections rose to 27 percent from last November.
Their inability to engage in meaningful dialogue and show any respect for any alternative - or even worse - contrary opinions is legendary.
And many still have Black Lives Matter yard signs, which means they support thieves and embezzlers who cash-in on the pain of others. And are complete fools.
All because of skin color.
Is MLK on their dartboards, or what?
In the 90's I spent a lot of time in the Rainier Valley.
It was not a great area to say the least.
I met a lot of really hardworking Blacks that absolutely hated the thugs and criminals in the area.
They would tell this White guy which specific areas to avoid. I looked too much like "Five-0."
I was though the area this past April and it was unrecognizable to me.
Whitey had finally found the Rainier Valley.
Screw all BLM yard sign whores.
Could you imagine the uproar if the media brought that up for a democratic candidate with the same issue.
Second, why wasn't she kicked off the plane for the Trump hat by some washed up ugly leftist hag beverage lady or the gay guy?
I think we know why.
I was wrong and I should have been honest but that doesn't change the damage that I and other absent fathers do.
Home run right Mello?
If he was a Democrat