Here's the kind of "conservative" Dazzler is. He supported Obamacare, he voted for Obama, Hillary and Biden. He used to trash Bush for running a $200 Billion dollar budget deficit. He said nothing when Obama ran a $1.6 trillion dollar budget deficit. Voted for Obama in 2012 because Mitt Romney had moved too far to the right and because Obama was the more fiscally responsible alternative. Said nothing when Obama used the IRS to harass and intimidate his political enemies. Trashed people in 2010 who were serious about cutting Federal spending while still claiming to be a conservative budget hawk.
I did finally get him to admit that he really didn't favor cutting any Federal spending, he just wanted to raise taxes. Claimed that Obama's budget's where he was running over a trillion a year in red ink, were really "austerity" budgets. Supports illegal immigration. He's that kind of "Conservative."
I voted for Gore and thought the whining and bitching about Florida were stupid. It was the gateway drug to 9-11 completing the move to the sanity of the GOP wing of the uniparty
I have no need to lie. I have said who I voted for going back to Carter. I admitted to voting for Mondale.
What more can I do?
I have said who I voted for too. But you and Gasbag just know better, or so you say.
At least we've confirmed that your civic involvement is confined to a message bored.
The story about the boy who cried wolf applies here Dazzler. Don't blame others for not believing you after you've made a career lying your ass off here.
Here's the kind of "conservative" Dazzler is. He supported Obamacare, he voted for Obama, Hillary and Biden. He used to trash Bush for running a $200 Billion dollar budget deficit. He said nothing when Obama ran a $1.6 trillion dollar budget deficit. Voted for Obama in 2012 because Mitt Romney had moved too far to the right and because Obama was the more fiscally responsible alternative. Said nothing when Obama used the IRS to harass and intimidate his political enemies. Trashed people in 2010 who were serious about cutting Federal spending while still claiming to be a conservative budget hawk.
I did finally get him to admit that he really didn't favor cutting any Federal spending, he just wanted to raise taxes. Claimed that Obama's budget's where he was running over a trillion a year in red ink, were really "austerity" budgets.
You just don't understand the difference between "debt" and "deficit", Blob.
Imagine bragging that you went from Reagan to Biden and believing it makes you seem, smart? People tend to become MORE conservative as they age, not less. Going the opposite direction is a sign that you're just not that grounded in what you actually believe at your core. You're a squish Dazzler. A pathetic one.
Leftards lie and love to be lied to. They also like to call talk shows and then start off with, "Being a lifetime Republican I need to vote for barry because I want my guns taken away and my taxes increased."
Imagine bragging that you went from Reagan to Biden and believing it makes you seem, smart? People tend to become MORE conservative as they age, not less. Going the opposite direction is a sign that you're just not that grounded in what you actually believe at your core. You're a squishswish Dazzler. A pathetic one.
Here's the kind of "conservative" Dazzler is. He supported Obamacare, he voted for Obama, Hillary and Biden. He used to trash Bush for running a $200 Billion dollar budget deficit. He said nothing when Obama ran a $1.6 trillion dollar budget deficit. Voted for Obama in 2012 because Mitt Romney had moved too far to the right and because Obama was the more fiscally responsible alternative. Said nothing when Obama used the IRS to harass and intimidate his political enemies. Trashed people in 2010 who were serious about cutting Federal spending while still claiming to be a conservative budget hawk.
I did finally get him to admit that he really didn't favor cutting any Federal spending, he just wanted to raise taxes. Claimed that Obama's budget's where he was running over a trillion a year in red ink, were really "austerity" budgets.
You just don't understand the difference between "debt" and "deficit", Blob.
I did finally get him to admit that he really didn't favor cutting any Federal spending, he just wanted to raise taxes. Claimed that Obama's budget's where he was running over a trillion a year in red ink, were really "austerity" budgets. Supports illegal immigration. He's that kind of "Conservative."
Here's Hondo showing off his big brain.
The debt isn't growing because of SS or Medicare.