The group of those arrested were wearing identical clothes down to their khakis, masks, shirts and hats. Did the same cleaning company iron all of the clothes too? Do they all eat the same food and workout together because, like their clothes, their body types were nearly identical. This photo opp and narrative screams FBI staged.
The group of those arrested were wearing identical clothes down to their khakis, masks, shirts and hats. Did the same cleaning company iron all of the clothes too? Do they all eat the same food and workout together because, like their clothes, their body types were nearly identical. This photo opp and narrative screams FBI staged.
There's a term I learned in following the twitters yesterday: Glowies. Several glowies in the group arrested. Why weren't they unmasked when arrested? Simple - to keep the identities of the government plants secret.
There is no way you would find the exact same dress and body type in more than 2 or 3 in a group of 31 people in N. Idaho.
Maybe the hot Gosser Ranch MILFs but among the guys, no way.
The posture they take when zip-tied is also a tell.
That's a military/law enforcement trained position to conserve energy. The entrapped fat guys aren't doing that.
Noticed that too. Way too compliant for violent insurrectionists.
Found this guy in the Twitter responses and will be following him. Smart guy who refuses to believe what the RATs demand of him. He had made similar observances to this clearly being staged.
The posture they take when zip-tied is also a tell.
That's a military/law enforcement trained position to conserve energy. The entrapped fat guys aren't doing that.
Noticed that too. Way too compliant for violent insurrectionists.
Found this guy in the Twitter responses and will be following him. Smart guy who refuses to believe what the RATs demand of him. He had made similar observances to this clearly being staged.
2- none of the CDA Dawgs are FBI plants
Scuttle back under your wife's dress to hide now.
There is no way you would find the exact same dress and body type in more than 2 or 3 in a group of 31 people in N. Idaho.
Maybe the hot Gosser Ranch MILFs but among the guys, no way.
We call that a tell
That's a military/law enforcement trained position to conserve energy. The entrapped fat guys aren't doing that.
Found this guy in the Twitter responses and will be following him. Smart guy who refuses to believe what the RATs demand of him. He had made similar observances to this clearly being staged.
She could have kicked his ass if she fought back