We've all seen the lefts leaders calling for and supporting the intimidation and harassment of Conservative SC Justices. We have even heard the rat leader schumer personally threaten the Justices and as a matter of consequence threaten the families of SC Justices.
Now the rats are refusing to protect the families of Conservative Judges. This is what tyrants, communist and socialist leaders do and have done for a hundred years. They encourage the violence.
Schumer should be thrown in jail and kicked out of congress but there are so many more rats involved in this violence that they are too many to count.
Shame on anyone who supports this 3rd world shit. Its like these assholes aren't any kind of human.
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/house-democrats-are-sitting-on-security-for-scotus-justicesThe safety of Supreme Court justices should be a priority of the U.S. Congress following the arrest of an armed man near Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home on Wednesday. The Senate recognized the need for increased security protocols in early May.
“Speaker Pelosi must keep the House in session until they pass my bill,” Sen. Cornyn said in a statement released Wednesday. “Every day they don’t the threat to the Justices grows, the potential for tragedy becomes more likely, and House Democrats achieve a new apex of political dysfunction.”
"I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
When in 2017, James Hodgkinson walked onto a baseball field in Alexandria, Va., and opened fire, with the intention of massacring Republican leadership, few outlets even mentioned that he was a big fan of socialist Bernie Sanders, a man who tells minions that the nation is on the precipice of fascism. No one in the media blamed Sanders for the actions of a madman. The standards of culpability for political violence differ from situation to situation.
When cosplay Nazis rioted in Charlottesville, Va., every Republican was asked to take ownership of a movement that had nothing to do with their beliefs. When leftist unrest across the nation causes billions in damage and destroys thousands of lives, one could barely get anyone in the media to admit it was even happening. When a goofy (largely FBI-hatched) kidnapping plot on Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was stopped, it was a major story, framed as a microcosm of MAGA terrorism. Today there is a slew of attacks on pro-life centers across the country, and it barely gets any notice.
And let’s not forget that the White House encouraged people to go to the justices’ homes to protest. This is an attack not only on separation of powers, but also basic norms of civility. The same people who are clamoring to limit free expression, can’t even ask their people to observe basic decency. Biden, not long ago, argued that harassing Kyrsten Sinema in the bathroom to pressure her to support Build Back Better was “part of the process.” The people who promised to bring back norms are engaged in abnormal behavior.
But Fox News must be stopped!
By the way I do not own any "assault weapons" (erroneous name as that is a rifle capable of both semi and full automatic fire) my guns all identify as single shots and my suppressors identify as binary whisper muffins.