In Mello's world, dem cheating is expected - so OK it is. It's telling that not one leftard that I know of supports an honest election by US citizens, voting in the one state of their residence, with a verifiable election database of citizens and the election is subject to segregation of duties and is fully auditable.
In Mello's world, dem cheating is expected - so OK it is. It's telling that not one leftard that I know of supports an honest election by US citizens, voting in the one state of their residence, with a verifiable election database of citizens and the election is subject to segregation of duties and is fully auditable.
Shhh! Of course expecting blacks to get ID is racist. Look at what happened to black voting in Georgia when ID was required. Ever see a black guy on an airplane? Telling.
In Mello's world, dem cheating is expected - so OK it is. It's telling that not one leftard that I know of supports an honest election by US citizens, voting in the one state of their residence, with a verifiable election database of citizens and the election is subject to segregation of duties and is fully auditable.
In Mello's world, dem cheating is expected - so OK it is. It's telling that not one leftard that I know of supports an honest election by US citizens, voting in the one state of their residence, with a verifiable election database of citizens and the election is subject to segregation of duties and is fully auditable.
Just the tip.
This shit is not just happening in Pennsylvania. It is happening in every state. Rats cheat. Their political religion approves of it.
They are no longer dems they are actual communists. They'll tell you if you listen.