The judge shouldn't be able to switch her punishments based on how Chad was acting. I know it is much worse in other places, but the US justice system is broken. If the judge is in a bad mood, you are fucked. That's not right. Not to mention all the corruption, shady lawyers, etc. It doesn't really work.
Watch the news clip. It's pretty damned funny. Johnson is just slapping his "team mate's ass" and saying good job, without a clue that he had just fucked up big time. Folks in the courtroom laughed. The judge has no sense of humor. She seemed to be as (or more) pissed about the crowd in the courtroom laughing as she was with the act itself. Still, not sure what the hell Johnson was thinking. As they say, stupid is as stupid does. 30 days in the clink is a bit extreme, but I'd bet his attorney can find a way to get him out of there early. It's just going to cost him some money and he'll probably have to agree to more time in "rehab".
I'm thinking he should have bought the judge a cup of starbucks finest and a banana
Agree about the lawyer. Chad will be out in a few days.