and former officials involved in reviewing foreign investments say Elon Musk's planned purchase of Twitter should concern national security officials due to Tesla's links to the Chinese, according to The Washington Post.
The officials said that by dominating the supply of numerous components key to Tesla's success, China's government holds leverage over the wealth of Musk, the automaker's chief executive.
They say it potentially could convince China to ask Musk to identify opposition and American Twitter users, ban content China considers illegal or allow the communist government's propaganda to spread over the social media giant.
Quite honestly softy, I have no problem with anyone being looked into for being a Chi Com plant.
But let's start with Biden and the DNC and then worry about a private business
The rush to the barricades to protect Twitter from Musk is probably what China really wants
And while we? are at it let's get our supply chain out of China for Tesla and everyone