Black shooter, not worth the outrage which is a bummer. I have my outrage cannon tanned, rested, and ready for the next white spree shooter.
That's why this shooting, to they extent it registers at all will be about gun control.
"At 2 p.m. Wednesday — hours before the shooting — the gunman purchased an AR-15-style rifle from a local gun shop, Franklin said. The shooter also purchased a semiautomatic handgun on May 29 from a pawn shop."
Can't imagine why this would be about gun control.
What's an AR15 style rifle madam?
You should ask the Tulsa police. That precisely what they called it.
Black shooter, not worth the outrage which is a bummer. I have my outrage cannon tanned, rested, and ready for the next white spree shooter.
That's why this shooting, to they extent it registers at all will be about gun control.
"At 2 p.m. Wednesday — hours before the shooting — the gunman purchased an AR-15-style rifle from a local gun shop, Franklin said. The shooter also purchased a semiautomatic handgun on May 29 from a pawn shop."
Can't imagine why this would be about gun control.
What's an AR15 style rifle madam?
You should ask the Tulsa police. That precisely what they called it.
Black shooter, not worth the outrage which is a bummer. I have my outrage cannon tanned, rested, and ready for the next white spree shooter.
That's why this shooting, to they extent it registers at all will be about gun control.
"At 2 p.m. Wednesday — hours before the shooting — the gunman purchased an AR-15-style rifle from a local gun shop, Franklin said. The shooter also purchased a semiautomatic handgun on May 29 from a pawn shop."
Can't imagine why this would be about gun control.
The shooter is black. When the shooter is black it's a gun control shooting. When the shooter is white, it's a white supremacy racism shooting.
Those of us who can walk and chew gum simultaneously worry for you.
You were happy to join in. I'm taking it up with you
Is the question too tough?
The type of the gun is the lead in every story
I quoted how easy it was for him to buy a gun. You whooooshed. Imagine my surprise.
So AR 15s are fine with a waiting period?
How long?
How about an AR15 style rifle?
More than just waiting. Vetting. Training.
Are there legitimate reasons to own an AR15? Maybe. Should you have a reason before you can own an AR15 or any gun? Yes.
Your side controlled the Senate for years and did nothing in the way of gun control. No votes between 2009-11 when Harry Reid was in charge of the show with a majority. He voted against the AW ban in 2004 and was promoted to DIM Senate leader in 2005. You can fuck off about this being on the Right. All the Right does is defend the 2A from MFer like you.
You're a fucking WOT here. You voted for Biden which means you're just too dumb to breathe w/o a conscious effort.
You're parroting it Gladys
What kind of gun?
Sorry if the facts make your snatch hurt Dazzler.
I guy walks into a gun store . . .
Stop me if you've heard this one before.
You used the term and defended it
The type of gun is hardly the main issue.
The ability to buy a gun instantly is.
Is the question too tough?
The type of the gun is the lead in every story
How long?
How about an AR15 style rifle?
Are there legitimate reasons to own an AR15? Maybe. Should you have a reason before you can own an AR15 or any gun? Yes.
It's trying to sound scary to get guns banned
I was right
The reason is its a constitutional right mamm
You're a fucking WOT here. You voted for Biden which means you're just too dumb to breathe w/o a conscious effort.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Fuck off.