Imagine, a President who black staffers are quitting on because, well, he thinks black people are stupid and beneath him.
Who could have seen that coming?
They are calling it "Blaxit" !
What is even more fun and entertaining is reading the comments of a white house staffer who clearly is telling a black American that the White House has 14% black administration officials which is "in line with national proportions".
Joe doesn't want more black people on the staff as it would be above the % of the population. LOL!
What a fucking clueless administration. least 21 Black staffers have left the White House since late last year or are planning to leave soon. Some of those who remain say it’s no wonder why: They describe a work environment with little support from their superiors and fewer chances for promotion.
The departures have been so pronounced that, according to one current and one former White House official, some Black aides have adopted a term for them: “Blaxit.”
“I have heard about an exodus of Black staffers from the White House — ‘Blaxit’ — and I am concerned,” said Spencer Overton, president of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, which tracks government staff diversity numbers. “Black voters accounted for 22 percent of President Biden’s voters in November 2020. It is essential that Black staffers are not only recruited to serve in senior, mid-level and junior White House positions, but are also included in major policy and personnel decisions and have opportunities for advancement.”
A White House official pushed back on those concerns, saying that around 14 percent of current White House staffers identify as Black — in line with national proportions. The official added that the number is expected to increase as more Black staffers are brought on board and that 15 percent of Black staffers have been promoted in the last year.
Good to see the WH spokesperson come out and make sure everyone knows they’re at their quota.
C’mon, man!
Mask up and vote blue!
Talking Heads arm chopping motion included.