I hold 5% ownership and I don't like the vulgarity on this forum. Race likes to say "cunt" a lot because he grew up in a female dominated home, dated and married the same girl since high school, then after he left home, got divorced and now finally can say what he wants without his lady-figure scolding him. Hence the cartoons and geeky shit. No offence Race, just a quick psycho-analysis from a logger. You spineless cunt you!
I hold 5% ownership and I don't like the vulgarity on this forum. Race likes to say "cunt" a lot because he grew up in a female dominated home, dated and married the same girl since high school, then after he left home, got divorced and now finally can say what he wants without his lady-figure scolding him. Hence the cartoons and geeky shit. No offence Race, just a quick psycho-analysis from a logger. You spineless cunt you!