It could if you used the tax revenue to pay down national debt, reduce government spending and then have the fed destroy the dollar instead of printing them.
It could if you used the tax revenue to pay down national debt, reduce government spending and then have the fed destroy the dollar instead of printing them.
Don’t think that’s actually his plan though…
You could tax corporations 100% and it wouldn’t make a dent.
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
I did what I could to bring down inflation in the 80s. Someone younger needs to step in.
And of course the Dazzler is too big a Kunt to defend what he voted for.
I voted against someone.
Hardly shocking that pathological lying Kunt like yourself who has zero integrity would refuse to take any responsibility for the person they voted for. Hell you can't even admit it when you're exposed telling blatant lies.
It could if you used the tax revenue to pay down national debt, reduce government spending and then have the fed destroy the dollar instead of printing them.
Don’t think that’s actually his plan though…
You could tax corporations 100% and it wouldn’t make a dent.
Oh I agree on that. Reducing spend and raising rates to like 6% to induce a huge recession is the only way out of this. There’s no just taxing our way out. We fucked no matter what.
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
I did what I could to bring down inflation in the 80s. Someone younger needs to step in.
And of course the Dazzler is too big a Kunt to defend what he voted for.
I voted against someone.
Hardly shocking that pathological lying Kunt like yourself who has zero integrity would refuse to take any responsibility for the person they voted for. Hell you can't even admit it when you're exposed telling blatant lies.
Madam, I would have voted for a pile of rocks if it had received the Democratic nomination.
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
I did what I could to bring down inflation in the 80s. Someone younger needs to step in.
And of course the Dazzler is too big a Kunt to defend what he voted for.
I voted against someone.
Hardly shocking that pathological lying Kunt like yourself who has zero integrity would refuse to take any responsibility for the person they voted for. Hell you can't even admit it when you're exposed telling blatant lies.
Madam, I would have voted for a pile of rocks if it had received the Democratic nomination.
Dazzler you would voted for the Rat nominee no matter who the Republican in the White House was. You voted for fucking Obama because Romney was too far to the right. You're a fraud Dazzler. You lie when there's no reason to lie. You're a left-wing hack who will always vote for the Rat and you'll tell yourself lies and bullshit in order to justify it.
It could if you used the tax revenue to pay down national debt, reduce government spending and then have the fed destroy the dollar instead of printing them.
Don’t think that’s actually his plan though…
Remember when Reagan beat inflation by raising taxes? Me neither. He stopped printing money and like taking any addict off drugs, there will be a hell of a hang over as interest rates go through the roof.
It could if you used the tax revenue to pay down national debt, reduce government spending and then have the fed destroy the dollar instead of printing them.
Don’t think that’s actually his plan though…
You could tax corporations 100% and it wouldn’t make a dent.
Oh I agree on that. Reducing spend and raising rates to like 6% to induce a huge recession is the only way out of this. There’s no just taxing our way out. We fucked no matter what.
The problem is that Biden and the current Fed Chairman lack the balls to do that. We're going to get stuck with a high inflation and a shitty economy until Biden is gone and then for a few more years after whoever takes over puts in those policies in order to get us out of this mess.
The problem that I see is going to be cutting spending. We have so many more people now who are completely reliant on the government teat, way more then we had back in the late 70s early 80s.
It could if you used the tax revenue to pay down national debt, reduce government spending and then have the fed destroy the dollar instead of printing them.
Don’t think that’s actually his plan though…
You could tax corporations 100% and it wouldn’t make a dent.
Oh I agree on that. Reducing spend and raising rates to like 6% to induce a huge recession is the only way out of this. There’s no just taxing our way out. We fucked no matter what.
The problem is that Biden and the current Fed Chairman lack the balls to do that. We're going to get stuck with a high inflation and a shitty economy until Biden is gone and then for a few more years after whoever takes over puts in those policies in order to get us out of this mess.
The problem that I see is going to be cutting spending. We have so many more people now who are completely reliant on the government teat, way more then we had back in the late 70s early 80s.
The clear solution is more illegal aliens with no education and who don't speak English.
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
I did what I could to bring down inflation in the 80s. Someone younger needs to step in.
And of course the Dazzler is too big a Kunt to defend what he voted for.
I voted against someone.
Hardly shocking that pathological lying Kunt like yourself who has zero integrity would refuse to take any responsibility for the person they voted for. Hell you can't even admit it when you're exposed telling blatant lies.
Madam, I would have voted for a pile of rocks if it had received the Democratic nomination.
Dazzler you would voted for the Rat nominee no matter who the Republican in the White House was. You voted for fucking Obama because Romney was too far to the right. You're a fraud Dazzler. You lie when there's no reason to lie. You're a left-wing hack who will always vote for the Rat and you'll tell yourself lies and bullshit in order to justify it.
Madam, I'm not taking lessons in assessing reality from a bunch of know-nothings who call a violent mob attacking the Capitol a tourist event.
Romney promised to tack to the middle once he'd won the nomination. He didn't.
I told you years ago that you'd regret the GOP's embrace of populism, but I was wrong, because I overestimated your intelligence. You don't regret what you or the GOP have become. That's sad. Even the Kochs have regrets now.
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
I did what I could to bring down inflation in the 80s. Someone younger needs to step in.
And of course the Dazzler is too big a Kunt to defend what he voted for.
I voted against someone.
Hardly shocking that pathological lying Kunt like yourself who has zero integrity would refuse to take any responsibility for the person they voted for. Hell you can't even admit it when you're exposed telling blatant lies.
Madam, I would have voted for a pile of rocks if it had received the Democratic nomination.
Dazzler you would voted for the Rat nominee no matter who the Republican in the White House was. You voted for fucking Obama because Romney was too far to the right. You're a fraud Dazzler. You lie when there's no reason to lie. You're a left-wing hack who will always vote for the Rat and you'll tell yourself lies and bullshit in order to justify it.
Madam, I'm not taking lessons in assessing reality from a bunch of know-nothings who call a violent mob attacking the Capitol a tourist event.
Romney promised to tack to the middle once he'd won the nomination. He didn't.
I told you years ago that you'd regret the GOP's embrace of populism, but I was wrong, because I overestimated your intelligence. You don't regret what you or the GOP have become. That's sad. Even the Kochs have regrets now.
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
I did what I could to bring down inflation in the 80s. Someone younger needs to step in.
And of course the Dazzler is too big a Kunt to defend what he voted for.
I voted against someone.
Hardly shocking that pathological lying Kunt like yourself who has zero integrity would refuse to take any responsibility for the person they voted for. Hell you can't even admit it when you're exposed telling blatant lies.
Madam, I would have voted for a pile of rocks if it had received the Democratic nomination.
Dazzler you would voted for the Rat nominee no matter who the Republican in the White House was. You voted for fucking Obama because Romney was too far to the right. You're a fraud Dazzler. You lie when there's no reason to lie. You're a left-wing hack who will always vote for the Rat and you'll tell yourself lies and bullshit in order to justify it.
Madam, I'm not taking lessons in assessing reality from a bunch of know-nothings who call a violent mob attacking the Capitol a tourist event.
Romney promised to tack to the middle once he'd won the nomination. He didn't.
I told you years ago that you'd regret the GOP's embrace of populism, but I was wrong, because I overestimated your intelligence. You don't regret what you or the GOP have become. That's sad. Even the Kochs have regrets now.
Even the open border Koch's have reservations. That's funny right there. So, barry tacked hard left and spent $800 million on support of state and local pensions and employees and called it shovel ready jobs, and the dazzler swallowed and called it the more fiscally responsible alternative. Notice the dazzler can't mention any policy reasons for voting for a hard socialist other than the socialist was the more fiscally responsible alternative. You would think someone with a mythical MBA could do better.
PS Then toss in the dazzler's support for the BLM/antifa summer of love. Destroyed Portland and Seattle. But January 6 was a much bigger deal, because "Populism".
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
I did what I could to bring down inflation in the 80s. Someone younger needs to step in.
And of course the Dazzler is too big a Kunt to defend what he voted for.
I voted against someone.
Hardly shocking that pathological lying Kunt like yourself who has zero integrity would refuse to take any responsibility for the person they voted for. Hell you can't even admit it when you're exposed telling blatant lies.
Madam, I would have voted for a pile of rocks if it had received the Democratic nomination.
Dazzler you would voted for the Rat nominee no matter who the Republican in the White House was. You voted for fucking Obama because Romney was too far to the right. You're a fraud Dazzler. You lie when there's no reason to lie. You're a left-wing hack who will always vote for the Rat and you'll tell yourself lies and bullshit in order to justify it.
Madam, I'm not taking lessons in assessing reality from a bunch of know-nothings who call a violent mob attacking the Capitol a tourist event.
Romney promised to tack to the middle once he'd won the nomination. He didn't.
I told you years ago that you'd regret the GOP's embrace of populism, but I was wrong, because I overestimated your intelligence. You don't regret what you or the GOP have become. That's sad. Even the Kochs have regrets now.
Strawman ass fucking, Biden dick sucking and lying is all the game you have Dazzler
Don’t think that’s actually his plan though…
It might as well say “you want to bring down inflation, beat off twice a day”
This is desperation and an appeal to the useful idiots. My god.
The problem that I see is going to be cutting spending. We have so many more people now who are completely reliant on the government teat, way more then we had back in the late 70s early 80s.
Romney promised to tack to the middle once he'd won the nomination. He didn't.
I told you years ago that you'd regret the GOP's embrace of populism, but I was wrong, because I overestimated your intelligence. You don't regret what you or the GOP have become. That's sad. Even the Kochs have regrets now.
PS Then toss in the dazzler's support for the BLM/antifa summer of love. Destroyed Portland and Seattle. But January 6 was a much bigger deal, because "Populism".
Claiming you voted against cheap gas and a booming economy and secure borders isn't the hot take you think
Fucking idiots
Rooted for lock downs and crashing the economy and then voted to keep it