To have someone love you the way HuskyJW loves Biden ❤️
Daddy issues
All the cacklin’’ hens coming out of the woodwork today
When you’re taking on enemy fire that’s when you know you’re close to the target. HuskyJW right as always
That’s not true at all. Waiting until the enemy is close to your assets is a poor way to defend them. You want to engage the enemy wherever they can be funneled and constrained. Preferably as far from your own assets as you can reasonably support. Most ambushes occur at choke points and most battles are fought in no man’s land.
One is not like the other. Yes Trump is old but he's still fat and can still let it rip for an hour or so without handlers and easter bunnies leading him around. But he botched a name. A stutter
Trump said the 2020 election, which he has declared marred by fraud, has led to the Democrats "destroying our country."
"Joe Biden and the radical left Democrats have turned calm to chaos, competence into incompetence, and stability into anarchy, prosperity into poverty, and security into a catastrophe."
Trump blasted Democrats for their soft-on-crime policies and defund the police movements.
"Democrats are the party of crime, the party of chaos, and the party of death," Trump continued. "They are, whether you hate saying it or like saying it: They're the party of death."
Trump called on his supporters to vote for public safety in this November's midterm elections.
"Republicans are the party of law, order and life," Trump continued. "Yeah, and you know what else? Republicans are the party of the American dream.
"They really are the party of the American dream, which is being taken away from you. If you want to make our country safer for violent criminals, vote for the radical Democrats.
Trump also lamented the failing economy amid inflation hitting 40-year highs.
"We had the greatest economy in the history of the world with virtually no inflation," Trump said. "We had no inflation. We had energy. We had cheap gasoline. We had cheap electricity — where everything was so good all they had to do is go to the beach and relax. The best borders.
"Biden created the worst inflation in more than 50 years, and it's going to go much higher. It's costing families more than $6,000 a year; that's bigger than any tax increase ever proposed."
One is not like the other. Yes Trump is old but he's still fat and can still let it rip for an hour or so without handlers and easter bunnies leading him around. But he botched a name. A stutter
"Joe Biden and the radical left Democrats have turned calm to chaos, competence into incompetence, and stability into anarchy, prosperity into poverty, and security into a catastrophe."
Trump blasted Democrats for their soft-on-crime policies and defund the police movements.
"Democrats are the party of crime, the party of chaos, and the party of death," Trump continued. "They are, whether you hate saying it or like saying it: They're the party of death."
Trump called on his supporters to vote for public safety in this November's midterm elections.
"Republicans are the party of law, order and life," Trump continued. "Yeah, and you know what else? Republicans are the party of the American dream.
"They really are the party of the American dream, which is being taken away from you. If you want to make our country safer for violent criminals, vote for the radical Democrats.
Trump also lamented the failing economy amid inflation hitting 40-year highs.
"We had the greatest economy in the history of the world with virtually no inflation," Trump said. "We had no inflation. We had energy. We had cheap gasoline. We had cheap electricity — where everything was so good all they had to do is go to the beach and relax. The best borders.
"Biden created the worst inflation in more than 50 years, and it's going to go much higher. It's costing families more than $6,000 a year; that's bigger than any tax increase ever proposed."
He’s been gone for a while at that. And he was a moron before he started slipping.