She's a book doctor and, of 81,000,000 people who voted for her husband, only 250 decided to be her patient? Goodness, now that's setting some records for sure.
The kind of trash that wants a pile of money and a big White House to live in and the world's biggest private jet. The family's treatment of a dementia patient should be criminal. But 81 million supposed American voters disagree with my world view.
He’s getting the treatment he deserves after 4 decades of racism and graft in the senate and as VP. He’s a carnival-barking career political opportunist and a lifelong con artist. Marched with Dr. King. Graduated first in his law school class. Corn Pop. House fires. 18 wheelers. Synagogue visits.
All He Does Is Lie
I don’t feel sorry for him at all, watching the DNC drag him around like a prelude to Weekend at Bernie’s. Fuck him and duck his sycophant support apparatus. Honestly, fuck that entire family.
I don’t feel sorry for him at all, watching the DNC drag him around like a prelude to Weekend at Bernie’s. Fuck him and duck his sycophant support apparatus. Honestly, fuck that entire family.