Did she wear all white and hang on a cyclone fence looking at an empty parking lot and start bawling for the cameras?
All these drugs just flowing across the border, people dying and getting murdered, children being abandoned and dying of thirst and not a peep out of aoc or her phony fucking cohorts.
If the GOP has more than a micro nutsack this is the impeachable offense that will stick to Joey. What he's NOT doing on the border violates his oath of office. We are supposed to be a Nation of laws.
If the GOP has more than a micro nutsack this is the impeachable offense that will stick to Joey. What he's NOT doing on the border violates his oath of office. We are supposed to be a Nation of laws.
He's violating the oath all over the place! Kamala would then be in charge, That'd be insanity as well.
I was thinking this morning, that even if the Dems lose in a wipeout this November, their plan will be to continue flooding the nation with illegals with the agreement that they will vote Democrat. They can basically print as much money as they want until next January.
If the GOP has more than a micro nutsack this is the impeachable offense that will stick to Joey. What he's NOT doing on the border violates his oath of office. We are supposed to be a Nation of laws.
If the GOP has more than a micro nutsack this is the impeachable offense that will stick to Joey. What he's NOT doing on the border violates his oath of office. We are supposed to be a Nation of laws.
All these drugs just flowing across the border, people dying and getting murdered, children being abandoned and dying of thirst and not a peep out of aoc or her phony fucking cohorts.
Move along now. Nothing to see here.