Where is the outrage from the left! The fear for their lives!
The rats have been doing this all over the country for decades. Some fucking idiot from the moose lodge goes in for selfies at the capital and rats seem to now be claiming the death of our democracy.
What a bunch of hypocritical drama Karen's.
I also find it interesting that there is no mention of states where democrats have re-districted. Wonder why that is?
It may not seem like it, but the tide is slowly turning.
I tentatively agree with you. I was speaking with a friend on Monday who still works in congress. Been doing it for 25 years, he is a glutton for punishment. He is a die hard democrat, one of those that believe in legislation as a design tool to create a socialist society that works (as opposed to those socialist societies that just weren't designed and run correctly ). Creating laws to force people to be socialists. Anyway he was basically saying the same thing. The left let the weirdo's run things and the backfire has begun. He really believes that Rep's have solid wedge issues that can drive home the vote. I see rats starting to double down now on issues that are hurting them. That is the mark of the diehards going down with the ship and and not giving a shit about the pols who are going for re-election and attempting to maintain control.
On a side note, I couldn't help ask about Headboard Harris's defections from her team. He said that whatever we are reading in the news, double the disaster and you have the accurate description of how fucked up Headboard is. Completely overwhelmed, arrogant, zero self reflection or self awareness, cruel to those around her and not smart enough to put in front of anymore serious situations like in Poland. He said she fucked that up so bad in Poland that even dem leaders where shocked and mocking her.
Yeah she is the affirmative action Veep, and sadly we can't 25th amendment Joe, because she is worse.
Had to be by intentional design
My conspiratorial side speaking. Joey’s handlers convince him to select Kammy. They know Joey isn’t capable of lasting four years.
Kammy is the bulwark that keeps the 25th crowd at bay. They get their 4 years of radical behind the scenes regulations implemented. All the shit we hear nothing about.
It may not seem like it, but the tide is slowly turning.
I tentatively agree with you. I was speaking with a friend on Monday who still works in congress. Been doing it for 25 years, he is a glutton for punishment. He is a die hard democrat, one of those that believe in legislation as a design tool to create a socialist society that works (as opposed to those socialist societies that just weren't designed and run correctly ). Creating laws to force people to be socialists. Anyway he was basically saying the same thing. The left let the weirdo's run things and the backfire has begun. He really believes that Rep's have solid wedge issues that can drive home the vote. I see rats starting to double down now on issues that are hurting them. That is the mark of the diehards going down with the ship and and not giving a shit about the pols who are going for re-election and attempting to maintain control.
On a side note, I couldn't help ask about Headboard Harris's defections from her team. He said that whatever we are reading in the news, double the disaster and you have the accurate description of how fucked up Headboard is. Completely overwhelmed, arrogant, zero self reflection or self awareness, cruel to those around her and not smart enough to put in front of anymore serious situations like in Poland. He said she fucked that up so bad in Poland that even dem leaders where shocked and mocking her.
Sluts aren't big on morals, proper etiquette, decorum.
On a side note, I couldn't help ask about Headboard Harris's defections from her team. He said that whatever we are reading in the news, double the disaster and you have the accurate description of how fucked up Headboard is. Completely overwhelmed, arrogant, zero self reflection or self awareness, cruel to those around her and not smart enough to put in front of anymore serious situations like in Poland. He said she fucked that up so bad in Poland that even dem leaders where shocked and mocking her.
Kammy is the bulwark that keeps the 25th crowd at bay. They get their 4 years of radical behind the scenes regulations implemented. All the shit we hear nothing about.