The John Hopkins report has been posted here several times. The dazzler is not intellectually curious or honest. So, he just lies because leftards lie and love to be lied to.
"The views expressed in each working paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the institutions that the authors are affiliated with."
Johns Hopkins concluded what?
My it's gotten quiet in here.
Beyond reaching.
feeble defense
I wonder why you gals who hate experts ('cuz they're "elitist", of course) were trying to trade on the name Johns Hopkins instead of the author's affiliation with the Cato Institute.
The John Hopkins report has been posted here several times. The dazzler is not intellectually curious or honest. So, he just lies because leftards lie and love to be lied to.
"The views expressed in each working paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the institutions that the authors are affiliated with."
Johns Hopkins concluded what?
My it's gotten quiet in here.
Beyond reaching.
feeble defense
I wonder why you gals who hate experts ('cuz they're "elitist", of course) were trying to trade on the name Johns Hopkins instead of the author's affiliation with the Cato Institute.
The John Hopkins report has been posted here several times. The dazzler is not intellectually curious or honest. So, he just lies because leftards lie and love to be lied to.
"The views expressed in each working paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the institutions that the authors are affiliated with."
Johns Hopkins concluded what?
My it's gotten quiet in here.
Beyond reaching.
feeble defense
I wonder why you gals who hate experts ('cuz they're "elitist", of course) were trying to trade on the name Johns Hopkins instead of the author's affiliation with the Cato Institute.
The John Hopkins report has been posted here several times. The dazzler is not intellectually curious or honest. So, he just lies because leftards lie and love to be lied to.
"The views expressed in each working paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the institutions that the authors are affiliated with."
Johns Hopkins concluded what?
My it's gotten quiet in here.
Beyond reaching.
feeble defense
I wonder why you gals who hate experts ('cuz they're "elitist", of course) were trying to trade on the name Johns Hopkins instead of the author's affiliation with the Cato Institute.
Ad Hominem. Is anyone surprised Herr Dazzler uses his feelings rather than facts to make an argument. Do better, lady.
He had not heard of the study and had to google “criticism of John Hopkins study” to come back and respond. ItS nOt ReAllY A JoHN HoPkINS StUdY!!!!
Damone: "John Hopkins now agrees, the lockdowns had little, if any affect on deaths"
As the Beach Boys said, "You shouldn't have lied."
You sound like a stupid son of a bitch.
BUT IT WASNT A JOHN HOPKINS STUDY!!! Just some dumbasses from The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.
You can start finding fault in the conclusion of the study anytime now, sweetheart.
He had not heard of the study and had to google “criticism of John Hopkins study” to come back and respond. ItS nOt ReAllY A JoHN HoPkINS StUdY!!!!
Damone: "John Hopkins now agrees, the lockdowns had little, if any affect on deaths"
As the Beach Boys said, "You shouldn't have lied."
You sound like a stupid son of a bitch.
BUT IT WASNT A JOHN HOPKINS STUDY!!! Just some dumbasses from The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.
You can start finding fault in the conclusion of the study anytime now, sweetheart.
"The views expressed in each working paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the institutions that the authors are affiliated with."
He had not heard of the study and had to google “criticism of John Hopkins study” to come back and respond. ItS nOt ReAllY A JoHN HoPkINS StUdY!!!!
Damone: "John Hopkins now agrees, the lockdowns had little, if any affect on deaths"
As the Beach Boys said, "You shouldn't have lied."
You sound like a stupid son of a bitch.
BUT IT WASNT A JOHN HOPKINS STUDY!!! Just some dumbasses from The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.
You can start finding fault in the conclusion of the study anytime now, sweetheart.
"The views expressed in each working paper are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the institutions that the authors are affiliated with."
Johns Hopkins concluded what?
Dodge dive dip duck and dodge. Anytime lady…pick apart the conclusion. You won’t because you can’t. So you focus on semantics of how people refer to the study. No one is surprised.
I wonder why you gals who hate experts ('cuz they're "elitist", of course) were trying to trade on the name Johns Hopkins instead of the author's affiliation with the Cato Institute.
Even Damone recognizes this as a concession.
As the Beach Boys said, "You shouldn't have lied."
BUT IT WASNT A JOHN HOPKINS STUDY!!! Just some dumbasses from The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study of Business Enterprise.
You can start finding fault in the conclusion of the study anytime now, sweetheart.
Johns Hopkins concluded what?
Take it up with ABC news
And Bill Maher
Fuck the liberal talking points are desperate now.