Meanwhile, the dementia patient is all in on the US capitulation on stopping Iran from getting nukes. It also enriches Putin and Russia. Definitely an America Last deal. Remember the dazzler thinks that Trump is a Putin asset and the dementia patient is tough on Russia.
PUTIN’S PUPPET: Lee Smith: Biden and Putin Are in Business Together, Thanks to the Iran Deal.
Sure, Biden talked tough about imposing sanctions on Russia and called out Putin for his fiendish actions, but the Russians knew that his words were as hollow as Obama’s meaningless sanctions over Crimea. And the Russians gleefully rubbed Biden’s nose in it. Lavrov boasted publicly that the United States had provided written guarantees that sanctions imposed over Ukraine would have no effect on Russia’s nuclear cooperation with Iran. In other words, the cash influx that the JCPOA promised Putin would be unaffected by whatever happened in Ukraine. No matter how many Ukrainians Putin murdered, Biden was going to make the man he called a war criminal even richer. Half a million dead Syrians could testify that America would keep its word.
When the Iran deal is formalized, Iran will be a Russian nuclear client. Russia’s state-controlled Rosatom energy firm and at least four of its major subsidiaries will receive sanctions waivers to finish nuclear projects in Iran worth more than $10 billion. Iran will also be buying weapons from Moscow worth billions of dollars more. By relieving sanctions on Iranian banks, the restored JCPOA provides Putin with financial channels invulnerable to U.S. financial measures.
We have plenty of federal land leases under contract as is.
O/G isn’t going to invest in those lands when the admin is so unfriendly to that industry.
We should be all in on LNG and Nuclear as replacements for coal and oil in the carbon energy space.
30% of all homes in NE still burn oil to reheat their homes. Why? Because those state governments are so unfriendly to O/G that they refuse to invest in pipeline infrastructure to Pennsylvania, where the largest NG fields in the world reside.
Instead, they buy NG from places like Trinidad and Tobago. It’s insane.
"The move complies with a June 2021 ruling by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Louisiana, in a lawsuit issued by 13 states, not including Colorado, that ordered the Biden administration to resume leasing federal land."
"And by the way, no more drilling on federal lands, period. Period, period, period," Mr. Biden told voters in New Hampshire in February 2020.
"although it will take months, perhaps years, for the new supply to come on line and have an impact on the US market."
PUTIN’S PUPPET: Lee Smith: Biden and Putin Are in Business Together, Thanks to the Iran Deal.
Sure, Biden talked tough about imposing sanctions on Russia and called out Putin for his fiendish actions, but the Russians knew that his words were as hollow as Obama’s meaningless sanctions over Crimea. And the Russians gleefully rubbed Biden’s nose in it. Lavrov boasted publicly that the United States had provided written guarantees that sanctions imposed over Ukraine would have no effect on Russia’s nuclear cooperation with Iran. In other words, the cash influx that the JCPOA promised Putin would be unaffected by whatever happened in Ukraine. No matter how many Ukrainians Putin murdered, Biden was going to make the man he called a war criminal even richer. Half a million dead Syrians could testify that America would keep its word.
When the Iran deal is formalized, Iran will be a Russian nuclear client. Russia’s state-controlled Rosatom energy firm and at least four of its major subsidiaries will receive sanctions waivers to finish nuclear projects in Iran worth more than $10 billion. Iran will also be buying weapons from Moscow worth billions of dollars more. By relieving sanctions on Iranian banks, the restored JCPOA provides Putin with financial channels invulnerable to U.S. financial measures.
We have plenty of federal land leases under contract as is.
O/G isn’t going to invest in those lands when the admin is so unfriendly to that industry.
We should be all in on LNG and Nuclear as replacements for coal and oil in the carbon energy space.
30% of all homes in NE still burn oil to reheat their homes. Why? Because those state governments are so unfriendly to O/G that they refuse to invest in pipeline infrastructure to Pennsylvania, where the largest NG fields in the world reside.
Instead, they buy NG from places like Trinidad and Tobago. It’s insane.
"The move complies with a June 2021 ruling by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Louisiana, in a lawsuit issued by 13 states, not including Colorado, that ordered the Biden administration to resume leasing federal land."
Leases are one thing. Permits are another.
And OG companies investing in projects in the face of an admin that says they want to put them out of business by 2030 is yet another.
None of this means shit in the face of all the grandstanding Joe did to get AOC and Liz Warren voters to vote for him 2 years ago.