Republicans are not violent and amoral like rats are when it comes to politics and controlling the little people. Rats have shown an incredible capacity to hate anything or anyone that doesn't think like they do, so much so that the road to their power now is littered with men, women and children they have had no problem trying to ruin the lives of.
If the Reps win control of congress, I don't believe they should emulate the vile and violent rats. I know many of my friends would like to see wholesale retribution and want Reps to treat vile rats like they have been treated. If I had to sit there and watch Republican leaders curse at and call a teenage boy a racist and all sorts of vile names just to score political points without any shame of completely lying about what happened, I would be ashamed they received my vote.
The reps need to play hardball on legislation, the border, education and de-worming DC of rats who want to take away the rights of Americans.
I am sure there are many that want blood and disagree with me. left-wing professional and political classes bequeathed a number of new protocols during the Trump derangement years. And it will be interesting to watch whether the Republicans abide by them in November should they take back the House and perhaps the Senate—and the presidency in 2024 as well.
Will they follow the New Testament’s turn-the-other-cheek forbearance, or go for Old Testament style eye-for-an-eye retribution?
Will Republican magnanimity suffice to shame the Democrats to be more professional in the future? Or will tit-for-tat deterrent reciprocity alone ensure a return to norms? Specifically, will Biden be impeached Trump-style, after losing the House in November? Say, to give just one possible example, for deliberately not enforcing and, indeed, undermining U.S. immigration law?
Will Speaker Kevin McCarthy, in Pelosi-fashion, start yanking troublesome radical Democrats off House committees?
Will a conservative Robert Mueller-like “wise man” head a $40 million, 22 month-long special counsel investigation of the Biden-family influence-selling syndicate—arrayed with a “dream-team,” “all-star,” and “hunter-killer” right-wing lawyers to ferret out “Big Guy” and “Mr. Ten Percent” quid pro quo profiteering?
Sounds nice and all, but based on what has already been leaked, they have no choice but to go after the "big guy", it would be a dereliction of duty not to do so. Unfortunately this does play into the democrats hands, and likely the reason for the the media finally "recognizing" Hunter's laptop and contents as real. They and the media will couch it as a tit-for-tat action normalizing the shams they led in going after Trump, all the while getting what they and Obama really want, Kamala as the shield president without having the cabinet invoke the 25th. But, either you stand on principle or you don't. Principle says there is more than enough evidence indicating the need to investigate the dementia addled grifter in charge, and that will likely lead to an indictment/impeachment, which may lead to the first ever conviction of a sitting president by the senate. Right is right, can't ignore it just because it is difficult.
Your faggoty bullshit is tired and weak.