If you read the article he is correct, you can't just get rid of him for political reasons, that crap has to stop, but he did say that if there are crimes that is different... he is correct, we aren't in a banana Republic
The only reason I even planned to vote this cycle was so the Biden family would be harassed and impeached non stop by the GOP. Just like the Trumps were. I want Hunter in some committee answering questions daily. If Kevin McCarthy and his uniparty pals aren't planning on doing that, I'll just stay home. Fuck off loveable losers. Will the GOP ever realize that politics is a knife fight in a phone booth? Nope, just keep losing the right way you turds.
More reason to go and vote all their asses out, imo.
Pay attention to your district this November when 92% of incumbents running are reelected. Then come back and tell this thread who the Dems are going after. The GOP only has 6+ months to screw the pooch
Hopefully he’s setting the narrative that when they do file justifiable articles of impeachment, it won’t be based on a phone call. It’ll be violating his oath of office to uphold our laws. That includes immigration laws which he violates daily.