Why is the left so eager to tell their 5 year olds they can stick their cocks in another dude or girls can scissor each other or they can just mutilate their genitals if they want to turn into a boy/girl like its some shitty MMO RPG? Is it so hard to let kids be kids?
Stick to the three R's or GTFO! We don't need teachers indoctrinating kids in sex, politics or any other behavior other than being well behaved. The parents are to decide these things.
If the "Don't Say Gay" critics were serious, they'd allow teachers and officials to speak about these issues openly, with all sides and perspectives allowed.
But they don't -- they say they want these issues discussed, but then mandate that they must be discussed ONLY in an "affirming," gay-positive/heterosexuality-negative, pro-transitioning way.
So it seems to me that parents are getting wise to this situation and saying, "No, if schools are saying that teachers are permitted to talk to our little ones about sex, but only to evangelize them into homosexuality and transgenderism, then no, we'll be having no conversations with the little ones about these topics at all."
Do the "Don't Say Gay" freaks disagree? Would they permit teachers to suggest that maybe biological gender is very real and that pre-pubescent children taking powerful synthetic hormones is a dangerous experimental procedure they should maybe not try?
No, of course not: they want these issues propagandized to children, but only in the "Gays are Marginalized and Therefore Good, Straights are Dominant and Therefore Bad" and "Transitioning Is Just You Discovering Your Authentic Self" way.
And those who say this isn't "grooming" must account for this fact: 20% of all Gen Z pyrsyns now claim to be some kind of LGBT.
Are the groomers really claiming that the rate of homosexuality increasing by a factor of ten, an entire order of magnitude, over a couple of generations, is just Young People Naturally Discovering Their Authentic Selves?
That human beings "naturally" have a homosexuality rate of 20%, and are only now embracing that because they feel validated in their true sexuality?
Or could it be that when you relentlessly propagandize to young, immature minds that "Gay or Trans Equals Marginalized and Good" while "Straight Equals Dominant, Oppressor, and Bad" that some of these very young children just might believe you and adapt their sexuality to conform to your rules?
And if it's just people embracing their True Genders now that Gender Repression has abated -- how come Gen X and Baby Boomer gay and trans identification rates aren't also skyrocketing? They, too, must feel the liberating air of Gay Ideology freeing them.
So why then are they not free?
Why is it only the little kids exposed to this propaganda effort who are identifying as gay or trans at such impossibly high rates? Why are older adults, who have also been propagandized to on this issue for decades of their lives, not also identifying as gay or trans at 10% of 20% rates?
Answer, obviously: Because it's much harder to groom an adult.
The advocate for the "Future of Sex Education" admitted that:
This is a quote from the "Future of Sex Education," a group devoted to changing sex education and indoctrinating younger and younger children into the joys of homosexuality and transgenderism. They euphemize this as "Comprehensive Sex Education," or CSE.
Actually, the full quote is:
"early grades may be the best time to introduce topics related to sexual orientation, gender identity & expression, gender equality & social justice related to LGBTQ+ community before heteronormative & cisnormative values & assumptions become more deeply ingrained & less mutable"
"Less mutable" means, of course, "less changeable."
Stick to the three R's or GTFO! We don't need teachers indoctrinating kids in sex, politics or any other behavior other than being well behaved. The parents are to decide these things.
When the time comes, the hearings on this twisted bullshit will make the McCarthy hearings look like a cakewalk.
One can hope, anyway. These sick bastards and cunts are abusing children, for fuck sake. Get them the fuck out of the schools.
The rest of us: Fuck off.
Shift the narrative
Why are you so obsessed?
If the "Don't Say Gay" critics were serious, they'd allow teachers and officials to speak about these issues openly, with all sides and perspectives allowed.
But they don't -- they say they want these issues discussed, but then mandate that they must be discussed ONLY in an "affirming," gay-positive/heterosexuality-negative, pro-transitioning way.
So it seems to me that parents are getting wise to this situation and saying, "No, if schools are saying that teachers are permitted to talk to our little ones about sex, but only to evangelize them into homosexuality and transgenderism, then no, we'll be having no conversations with the little ones about these topics at all."
Do the "Don't Say Gay" freaks disagree? Would they permit teachers to suggest that maybe biological gender is very real and that pre-pubescent children taking powerful synthetic hormones is a dangerous experimental procedure they should maybe not try?
No, of course not: they want these issues propagandized to children, but only in the "Gays are Marginalized and Therefore Good, Straights are Dominant and Therefore Bad" and "Transitioning Is Just You Discovering Your Authentic Self" way.
And those who say this isn't "grooming" must account for this fact: 20% of all Gen Z pyrsyns now claim to be some kind of LGBT.
Are the groomers really claiming that the rate of homosexuality increasing by a factor of ten, an entire order of magnitude, over a couple of generations, is just Young People Naturally Discovering Their Authentic Selves?
That human beings "naturally" have a homosexuality rate of 20%, and are only now embracing that because they feel validated in their true sexuality?
Or could it be that when you relentlessly propagandize to young, immature minds that "Gay or Trans Equals Marginalized and Good" while "Straight Equals Dominant, Oppressor, and Bad" that some of these very young children just might believe you and adapt their sexuality to conform to your rules?
And if it's just people embracing their True Genders now that Gender Repression has abated -- how come Gen X and Baby Boomer gay and trans identification rates aren't also skyrocketing? They, too, must feel the liberating air of Gay Ideology freeing them.
So why then are they not free?
Why is it only the little kids exposed to this propaganda effort who are identifying as gay or trans at such impossibly high rates? Why are older adults, who have also been propagandized to on this issue for decades of their lives, not also identifying as gay or trans at 10% of 20% rates?
Answer, obviously: Because it's much harder to groom an adult.
The advocate for the "Future of Sex Education" admitted that:
This is a quote from the "Future of Sex Education," a group devoted to changing sex education and indoctrinating younger and younger children into the joys of homosexuality and transgenderism.
They euphemize this as "Comprehensive Sex Education," or CSE.
Actually, the full quote is:
"early grades may be the best time to introduce topics related to sexual orientation, gender identity & expression, gender equality & social justice related to LGBTQ+ community before heteronormative & cisnormative values & assumptions become more deeply ingrained & less mutable"
"Less mutable" means, of course, "less changeable."
One can hope, anyway. These sick bastards and cunts are abusing children, for fuck sake. Get them the fuck out of the schools.