No word on if she’s ever placed second behind a transwoman at a swim meet.
Spell it out Dildo.
She graduated from high school in 2007. She was obviously a state officer in TN (“State President - 2007-2008 for the Future Farmer’s of America in the 2nd photo, approximately 19 years old. He was approximately 43 at the time.
They were married in 2011 . . . She was approximately 22; He was approximately 46. They now have two sons and have been married over 10 years.
What’s your point, Kobe? Are you assuming he was diddling her when she was not at the age of consent? Got any proof?
Newsflash: Meanwhile, Portland’s hot shot, progressive mayor, Neil Goldschmidt, was diddling a “young” teenager (daughter of a campaign supporter back in the 70’s). It was covered up for over 30 years. He was never prosecuted and it ruined her life. He went on to be Secretary of Transportation under Jimmy Carter and Governor of Oregon for one term. She was quietly paid off in a civil suit in the early 90’s, which was kept under wraps for approximately 10 years
Openly gay Mayor Sam Adams of Portland was “dating” a teenager while he was mayor of Portland. Adams stated he didn’t have sex with the lad until he turned 18. The lad said otherwise. Mayor Adams was not prosecuted nor was he recalled.
Now, WTF was the point of starting this thread, goofball?
Love is love only for gays and Dems. Not for right leaning adults heterosexuals who have an age difference TKS disapproves of. He didn’t give a shit about Monica Lewinsky because who cares what Clinton does in his private life?
SJWs don't like it when 40 year old dudes ask out anyone under 30. Their arbitrary, unicorn rules make no sense. Logic was never their strong suit though.