How and why in ivermectin was politicized and demonized is weird. Even for the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd it makes no sense. Trump never mentioned it.
Honest media and health policy officials would have said “we have heard some interesting claims about Ivermectin as a covid therapeutic. We know Ivermectin has shown strong anti viral effectiveness with other viruses. It has been available for over 40 years and is extremely safe with few side effects. It is routinely prescribed off label by doctors for a variety of illnesses. We need more information before we can recommend it as a covid therapeutic. The best tool we have at this time is vaccinations. Please consider getting vaccinated. If you do get covid please work with your doctor to determine the best treatment for you”
Instead we get “Ivermectin is dangerous horse medicine!!!!111!” “Arron Rogers and Joe Rogan should be kicked out of society, they are a national security threat!”
Last I checked Rogan and Rogers are fine.
Fuck off.
Rogan and Rogers both took horse dewormer along with a full cocktail of other shit. Who knows which one or how much of each one did the trick?
They are also in primo shape (not fatass bitches like the MASSIVE percentage of covid deaths).
For fucks sake, we know that do nothing but wait and maybe end up in the hospital/ventilator was a money grab and political theater to stoke fear. If fucking Fow Chee from Day One had said, "GTFOutside and get some sunshine, get in shape, pound Vitamin D", then:
1) there'd be a hell of a lot more healthy people able to ward of some form of the vid naturally and 2) there'd be a hell of a lot more healthy people not dying of other shit like diabetes and high blood pressure.
But we know Fow Chee doesn't have stock options in good health and well being.
It was like the "non-biased" Hydroxychloroquine testing which was done on ventilator patients and didn't "cure" it. The recommendation was early treatment along with zinc, a steroid for inflammation and an antibiotic.
How and why in ivermectin was politicized and demonized is weird. Even for the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd it makes no sense. Trump never mentioned it.
Honest media and health policy officials would have said “we have heard some interesting claims about Ivermectin as a covid therapeutic. We know Ivermectin has shown strong anti viral effectiveness with other viruses. It has been available for over 40 years and is extremely safe with few side effects. It is routinely prescribed off label by doctors for a variety of illnesses. We need more information before we can recommend it as a covid therapeutic. The best tool we have at this time is vaccinations. Please consider getting vaccinated. If you do get covid please work with your doctor to determine the best treatment for you”
Instead we get “Ivermectin is dangerous horse medicine!!!!111!” “Arron Rogers and Joe Rogan should be kicked out of society, they are a national security threat!”
Last I checked Rogan and Rogers are fine.
Fuck off.
Rogan and Rogers both took horse dewormer along with a full cocktail of other shit. Who knows which one or how much of each one did the trick?
They are also in primo shape (not fatass bitches like the MASSIVE percentage of covid deaths).
For fucks sake, we know that do nothing but wait and maybe end up in the hospital/ventilator was a money grab and political theater to stoke fear. If fucking Fow Chee from Day One had said, "GTFOutside and get some sunshine, get in shape, pound Vitamin D", then:
1) there'd be a hell of a lot more healthy people able to ward of some form of the vid naturally and 2) there'd be a hell of a lot more healthy people not dying of other shit like diabetes and high blood pressure.
But we know Fow Chee doesn't have stock options in good health and well being.
They are also in primo shape (not fatass bitches like the MASSIVE percentage of covid deaths).
For fucks sake, we know that do nothing but wait and maybe end up in the hospital/ventilator was a money grab and political theater to stoke fear. If fucking Fow Chee from Day One had said, "GTFOutside and get some sunshine, get in shape, pound Vitamin D", then:
1) there'd be a hell of a lot more healthy people able to ward of some form of the vid naturally and
2) there'd be a hell of a lot more healthy people not dying of other shit like diabetes and high blood pressure.
But we know Fow Chee doesn't have stock options in good health and well being.
And released just at the time that the 4th jab is being approved.
But Kobe says it’s a mostly clean study.