Love all these people standing around demanding that a representative of the Federal government give them "Free" housing while millions of jobs go unfilled because they can't find workers.
50 years ago these people would have been told to get off their lazy asses and get a job and pay for their own fucking apartment. It's not the job of the Federal government to provide deadbeats and drug addicts with housing.
Gotta love the visual of Maxine wearing thick jewelry and clutching designer glasses while talking down to the people she made false promises.
I like how she is wanting them to kiss her ass because she supposedly does more for people in poverty than anyone. Maxine throws other people's money at a problem that has only gotten worse her entire time in office and then wants them to kiss her ass for it.
How the hell does someone so stupid gain any power in this country? Become a DIM Pol of course.
Because she knows her voters. Feed them enough hate whitey rhetoric, tell them that all their problems are the fault of Republicans and white people and sit back and collect the checks. She no different than the hundreds who have come before her and serve with her now. The closest thing to lifetime employment after the post office in a Congressional seat in a black district. Just make sure the checks are always delivered on time and blame white racism, the cops and Republicans for any problems you have.
Especially for H and Kobe.
50 years ago these people would have been told to get off their lazy asses and get a job and pay for their own fucking apartment. It's not the job of the Federal government to provide deadbeats and drug addicts with housing.
According to Kobe this is "progress."
Whatever the future holds I'll be fine, but the west coast deserves this implosion.