Anyone with a brain knew that the dementia patient had dementia and couldn't pass a cognitive test. Their excuse was that he didn't and it was just a stuttering problem. Latest excuse about regime change is that Cho Bai Den was Irish and everyone knows how emotional the Irish can get. Serious.
So we want overly emotional people in charge now? Great cover
At least they didn't mention that he was on his period and can't be trusted on those red tent days. Or that he was drunk because we know how much Irish love to drink.
I get it, you hated Trump and you wanted anyone other than Trump to be President so you voted for your only option Biden. Okay, now you got him. Does his behavior now not even get a comment from you? Seriously, I'd love to hear from the people who were forced to vote for Biden due to Trump's low character. Are you bothered at all by what's going on with your guy? Are things really going in a direction you're happy with?
If you read or see any of the headlines from overseas, they're calling Joey Vegetable out for being a total "dottering" fool. Imagine the coverage that would be receiving in the US if they were calling Trump "dottering". The entire left is covering for Joey because admitting they were better off with Trump is just a bridge too far. Fuck Dazzler, his opinion doesn't count on this. I want the dumbass suburban housewives that voted for Joey to come clean.
I love all the BUT TRUMP had notes responses. Yes, they all do. But Joey Vegetable appears to have the exact question being asked. Which is why he’s ordered to call on certain reporters.
One is not like the other. And still he shit the bed.
Any news items on starving Americans choosing between food or rent or gas to get to work?
Save that for GOP presidents
You know Tucker nailed it and it's true when the jizz dribbles off the downvoting Ostrich Boy's chin
One is not like the other. And still he shit the bed.
Any president can have notes. That's the easy part
You have to actually read the notes and understand them. That's the tricky part