KOIN TV in PDX did a very long series asking if Portland could be saved. Just to recap, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and LA are all DIM controlled and have been for a long time. Things like this take time to finally reach a breaking point. This didn't just happen because of COVID. All of the BidenBros should be ashamed of the people they support but they're not. They hate America and their own cities.
KOIN TV in PDX did a very long series asking if Portland could be saved. Just to recap, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and LA are all DIM controlled and have been for a long time. Things like this take time to finally reach a breaking point. This didn't just happen because of COVID. All of the BidenBros should be ashamed of the people they support but they're not. They hate America and their own cities.
The worst part is that he didn’t really capture it. You can’t see it all with the camera pointing straight ahead. That drive camera view was generous.
I’ve been recently and it’s appreciably worse than what he showed. All he had to do is come down from the north and take the Stewart Street exit and that would have told the story.
It’s a disaster.
I don’t have the answers. Institution capacity seems like a start.
It really isn't that tough, it just takes a will that the left who controls these cities and states do not have.
Enforce the fucking law. You can't camp in public. Open air drug sales and use should be hammered. Enforce your property crime laws. Everyone of these homeless camps is filled with stolen property. Put people in jail when they violate the law. Put people into mental institutions. Stop making it easier for people to be junkies who live on the streets. Stop handing out cash, "free" needles and meth pipes and camping gear.
Put an expectation of a bare minimum standard of behavior and respect for the social order on everyone and impose that standard.
You're not helping anyone and it's not compassionate to allow people to live on the streets in their own filth and to slowly kill themselves with drugs.
The worst part is that he didn’t really capture it. You can’t see it all with the camera pointing straight ahead. That drive camera view was generous.
I’ve been recently and it’s appreciably worse than what he showed. All he had to do is come down from the north and take the Stewart Street exit and that would have told the story.
It’s a disaster.
I don’t have the answers. Institution capacity seems like a start.
It really isn't that tough, it just takes a will that the left who controls these cities and states do not have.
Enforce the fucking law. You can't camp in public. Open air drug sales and use should be hammered. Enforce your property crime laws. Everyone of these homeless camps is filled with stolen property. Put people in jail when they violate the law. Put people into mental institutions. Stop making it easier for people to be junkies who live on the streets. Stop handing out cash, "free" needles and meth pipes and camping gear.
Put an expectation of a bare minimum standard of behavior and respect for the social order on everyone and impose that standard.
So you're advocating for shutting down a cottage industry that you know some of these pols have a financial stake in? Fat chance. Corruption knows no bounds.
The worst part is that he didn’t really capture it. You can’t see it all with the camera pointing straight ahead. That drive camera view was generous.
I’ve been recently and it’s appreciably worse than what he showed. All he had to do is come down from the north and take the Stewart Street exit and that would have told the story.
It’s a disaster.
I don’t have the answers. Institution capacity seems like a start.
It really isn't that tough, it just takes a will that the left who controls these cities and states do not have.
Enforce the fucking law. You can't camp in public. Open air drug sales and use should be hammered. Enforce your property crime laws. Everyone of these homeless camps is filled with stolen property. Put people in jail when they violate the law. Put people into mental institutions. Stop making it easier for people to be junkies who live on the streets. Stop handing out cash, "free" needles and meth pipes and camping gear.
Put an expectation of a bare minimum standard of behavior and respect for the social order on everyone and impose that standard.
So you're advocating for shutting down a cottage industry that you know some of these pols have a financial stake in? Fat chance. Corruption knows no bounds.
Agreed, the pols have a financial stake in it but the general public does not. Educate people to understand the current system isn't helping anyone other than the pols and homeless industrial complex.
I don't think Portland voters give a shit that their city is crap. As long as their local grocery store is still safe and they can hop into Starbuck's without getting assaulted, they're apparently good. My wife was talking with a coworker from Portland that has seen her neighborhood become a nightmare of fucking homeless wandering through. Gangs have returned, gunfire where it never was before.
They had some zoom meeting with some org. that was working to "help" the homeless in their area. When one neighbor complained, the moderator of the meeting called them out for being "privileged" because they had a home. That's how much these orgs actually care about the impact that their "work" is having on neighborhoods. It's all about the homeless and nothing about the uncontrolled bad that they bring to the surrounding areas they squat on.
Until the woke faggots start voting against this shit its hard to feel sorry for them
Like most city elections it's about turn out and who turns out to vote. The homeless industrial complex and the government employee unions have no problem turning out their voters but I still can't believe that a majority of Seattle and Portland residents supports what's happening to their cities.
Until the woke faggots start voting against this shit its hard to feel sorry for them
Like most city elections it's about turn out and who turns out to vote. The homeless industrial complex and the government employee unions have no problem turning out their voters but I still can't believe that a majority of Seattle and Portland residents supports what's happening to their cities.
Until the woke faggots start voting against this shit its hard to feel sorry for them
Like most city elections it's about turn out and who turns out to vote. Like most city elections the homeless industrial complex and the government employee unions have no problem turning out their voters but I still can't believe that a majority of Seattle and Portland residents supports what's happening to their cities.
The indoctrination runs deep. Dems like Governor Kate Brown and Ted Wheeler "care". That message is pervasive. Just don't ask any poorly educated Portlander what that actually means. Republicans don't care and want women in burkhas, blacks in chains and want the police to execute innocent blacks and trannies jailed. The slobberer will call Trump and authoritarian and suppressing free speech and then doesn't have one example of this while ignoring the authoritarian anti-free speech left. Multnomah County voted 79.2% for the dementia patient and the City of Portland vote had to be over 85%. It would have to be a tidal wave of rationality and a strong republican message to move 35% of the voters.
Until the woke faggots start voting against this shit its hard to feel sorry for them
Like most city elections it's about turn out and who turns out to vote. Like most city elections the homeless industrial complex and the government employee unions have no problem turning out their voters but I still can't believe that a majority of Seattle and Portland residents supports what's happening to their cities.
The indoctrination runs deep. Dems like Governor Kate Brown and Ted Wheeler "care". That message is pervasive. Just don't ask any poorly educated Portlander what that actually means. Republicans don't care and want women in burkhas, blacks in chains and want the police to execute innocent blacks and trannies jailed. The slobberer will call Trump and authoritarian and suppressing free speech and then doesn't have one example of this while ignoring the authoritarian anti-free speech left. Multnomah County voted 79.2% for the dementia patient and the City of Portland vote had to be over 85%. It would have to be a tidal wave of rationality and a strong republican message to move 35% of the voters.
Seriously, what the fuck happened to that state? The same shit that happened to the once right leaning California.
The worst part is that he didn’t really capture it. You can’t see it all with the camera pointing straight ahead. That drive camera view was generous.
I’ve been recently and it’s appreciably worse than what he showed. All he had to do is come down from the north and take the Stewart Street exit and that would have told the story.
It’s a disaster.
I don’t have the answers. Institution capacity seems like a start.
This has been done intentionally. Fostered by the state. What chaos ensues when the weekly stipends are taken away from these down and out addicts?
Decades of illegal immigration and the takeover of the public school systems, social media and the MSM including TV and movies by the hard left. There isn't one leftard on this board that has any basic understanding of science, math, history or economics. What they do have is strong feelings that they can't back up with actual facts. Dems say they want cheap, green renewable energy and its the mean conservatives that just want the land raped by an oil derrick that produces more useable energy than a 50 turbine wind farm. For a 5-megawatt turbine, say 350 feet tall, the steel alone averages 150 metric tons for the reinforced concrete foundations, 250 metric tons for the rotor hubs and nacelles (which house the gearbox and generator), and 500 metric tons for the towers. Toss in 500 metric tons of concrete base. Sweet. And that's not considering the new transmission to get the power from nowhere to somewhere.
The worst part is that he didn’t really capture it. You can’t see it all with the camera pointing straight ahead. That drive camera view was generous.
I’ve been recently and it’s appreciably worse than what he showed. All he had to do is come down from the north and take the Stewart Street exit and that would have told the story.
It’s a disaster.
I don’t have the answers. Institution capacity seems like a start.
This has been done intentionally. Fostered by the state. What chaos ensues when the weekly stipends are taken away from these down and out addicts?
There ain't no homeless people in Coeur d'Alene. Worked there for years and maybe saw one bum in an alleyway. Once.
Hitch a ride to Spokane, WA and live on easy street.
The worst part is that he didn’t really capture it. You can’t see it all with the camera pointing straight ahead. That drive camera view was generous.
I’ve been recently and it’s appreciably worse than what he showed. All he had to do is come down from the north and take the Stewart Street exit and that would have told the story.
It’s a disaster.
I don’t have the answers. Institution capacity seems like a start.
This has been done intentionally. Fostered by the state. What chaos ensues when the weekly stipends are taken away from these down and out addicts?
There ain't no homeless people in Coeur d'Alene. Worked there for years and maybe saw one bum in an alleyway. Once.
Hitch a ride to Spokane, WA and live on easy street.
There is one lady in a car by Lakers... but that's it
The worst part is that he didn’t really capture it. You can’t see it all with the camera pointing straight ahead. That drive camera view was generous.
I’ve been recently and it’s appreciably worse than what he showed. All he had to do is come down from the north and take the Stewart Street exit and that would have told the story.
It’s a disaster.
I don’t have the answers. Institution capacity seems like a start.
This has been done intentionally. Fostered by the state. What chaos ensues when the weekly stipends are taken away from these down and out addicts?
There ain't no homeless people in Coeur d'Alene. Worked there for years and maybe saw one bum in an alleyway. Once.
Hitch a ride to Spokane, WA and live on easy street.
There is one lady in a car by Lakers... but that's it
Decades of illegal immigration and the takeover of the public school systems, social media and the MSM including TV and movies by the hard left. There isn't one leftard on this board that has any basic understanding of science, math, history or economics. What they do have is strong feelings that they can't back up with actual facts. Dems say they want cheap, green renewable energy and its the mean conservatives that just want the land raped by an oil derrick that produces more useable energy than a 50 turbine wind farm. For a 5-megawatt turbine, say 350 feet tall, the steel alone averages 150 metric tons for the reinforced concrete foundations, 250 metric tons for the rotor hubs and nacelles (which house the gearbox and generator), and 500 metric tons for the towers. Toss in 500 metric tons of concrete base. Sweet. And that's not considering the new transmission to get the power from nowhere to somewhere.
Enforce the fucking law. You can't camp in public. Open air drug sales and use should be hammered. Enforce your property crime laws. Everyone of these homeless camps is filled with stolen property. Put people in jail when they violate the law. Put people into mental institutions. Stop making it easier for people to be junkies who live on the streets. Stop handing out cash, "free" needles and meth pipes and camping gear.
Put an expectation of a bare minimum standard of behavior and respect for the social order on everyone and impose that standard.
You're not helping anyone and it's not compassionate to allow people to live on the streets in their own filth and to slowly kill themselves with drugs.
They had some zoom meeting with some org. that was working to "help" the homeless in their area. When one neighbor complained, the moderator of the meeting called them out for being "privileged" because they had a home. That's how much these orgs actually care about the impact that their "work" is having on neighborhoods. It's all about the homeless and nothing about the uncontrolled bad that they bring to the surrounding areas they squat on.
Unfortunately they impact the surrounding communities. We now have these criminals seeping across the Glenn Jackson and I-5 bridge into Vancouver.
And yes, they commit crimes. Sorry to any enablers lurking.
Hitch a ride to Spokane, WA and live on easy street.