Brought to you by the same rag that perpetuated the Russian collusion lie and mocked Trump when he truthfully told the country that his campaign HQ had been bugged.
After 3 years of Dems claiming Russia stole the election from Hilary' and throwing the weight of a partisan investigation and special prosecutor to have the president removed based on information paid for by the Clinton campaign, you can all shut the fuck up about treason any time now.
After 3 years of Dems claiming Russia stole the election from Hilary' and throwing the weight of a partisan investigation and special prosecutor to have the president removed based on information paid for by the Clinton campaign, you can all shut the fuck up about treason any time now.
After 3 years of Dems claiming Russia stole the election from Hilary' and throwing the weight of a partisan investigation and special prosecutor to have the president removed based on information paid for by the Clinton campaign, you can all shut the fuck up about treason any time now.
Race is trash
Get your ass kicked daily by trash
More of a FBI Reichstag fire guy
Kobe's confirmation bias is unrivaled
Kobe only knows what he knows from biased rags.