H voted for the guy who didn't want his kids in school with mine
Great guy for a racist
Only racists opposed mandatory busing? You really are a lefty.
Fine people on both sides?
H applauds this
Only racists opposed mandatory busing?
So Biden voters today? Racial jungles are bad. Joey said so.
The question is too tuff for PDX, obviously.
Only racists opposed mandatory busing? Race?
I answered
Do only racists think allowing states to decide interracial marriage is correct?
Fuck off you racist piece of shit and the racist you voted for
Things 1970s white liberals say.
Turning 180 degrees to a rational perspective:
Why would a black man dissent from the prevailing liberal orthodoxy, and especially on such racial issues as busing, “affirmative action” and the like? The question itself shows how pervasively the mass media have stereotyped and filtered the news. Most black people oppose busing. Polls that showed black majority in favor of busing a few years ago have begun to show black pluralities and, finally, an absolute majority of blacks against busing. What is rare is to see any black opponent of busing in the media. The media‐created black “spokesman” usually shares media‐created values. The impression is insinuated that such “spokesmen” represent the “grass roots,” or “authentic” ghetto blacks, while black dissenters from the liberal orthodoxy are rrom a remote “middle class” fringe. This impression must be insinuated, because there is little evidence for it‐and a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary. Many of the most fiery “militants” are middle‐class Negroes now trying to live down their past by being blacker‐than‐thou, like true converts. -- Thomas Sowell
H voted for the guy who didn't want his kids in school with mine
Great guy for a racist
Only racists opposed mandatory busing? You really are a lefty.
Fine people on both sides?
H applauds this
Only racists opposed mandatory busing?
So Biden voters today? Racial jungles are bad. Joey said so.
The question is too tuff for PDX, obviously.
Only racists opposed mandatory busing? Race?
I answered
Do only racists think allowing states to decide interracial marriage is correct?
Fuck off you racist piece of shit and the racist you voted for
Things 1970s white liberals say.
Turning 180 degrees to a rational perspective:
Why would a black man dissent from the prevailing liberal orthodoxy, and especially on such racial issues as busing, “affirmative action” and the like? The question itself shows how pervasively the mass media have stereotyped and filtered the news. Most black people oppose busing. Polls that showed black majority in favor of busing a few years ago have begun to show black pluralities and, finally, an absolute majority of blacks against busing. What is rare is to see any black opponent of busing in the media. The media‐created black “spokesman” usually shares media‐created values. The impression is insinuated that such “spokesmen” represent the “grass roots,” or “authentic” ghetto blacks, while black dissenters from the liberal orthodoxy are rrom a remote “middle class” fringe. This impression must be insinuated, because there is little evidence for it‐and a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary. Many of the most fiery “militants” are middle‐class Negroes now trying to live down their past by being blacker‐than‐thou, like true converts. -- Thomas Sowell
H voted for the guy who didn't want his kids in school with mine
Great guy for a racist
Only racists opposed mandatory busing? You really are a lefty.
Fine people on both sides?
H applauds this
Only racists opposed mandatory busing?
So Biden voters today? Racial jungles are bad. Joey said so.
The question is too tuff for PDX, obviously.
Only racists opposed mandatory busing? Race?
I answered
Do only racists think allowing states to decide interracial marriage is correct?
Fuck off you racist piece of shit and the racist you voted for
Things 1970s white liberals say.
Turning 180 degrees to a rational perspective:
Why would a black man dissent from the prevailing liberal orthodoxy, and especially on such racial issues as busing, “affirmative action” and the like? The question itself shows how pervasively the mass media have stereotyped and filtered the news. Most black people oppose busing. Polls that showed black majority in favor of busing a few years ago have begun to show black pluralities and, finally, an absolute majority of blacks against busing. What is rare is to see any black opponent of busing in the media. The media‐created black “spokesman” usually shares media‐created values. The impression is insinuated that such “spokesmen” represent the “grass roots,” or “authentic” ghetto blacks, while black dissenters from the liberal orthodoxy are rrom a remote “middle class” fringe. This impression must be insinuated, because there is little evidence for it‐and a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary. Many of the most fiery “militants” are middle‐class Negroes now trying to live down their past by being blacker‐than‐thou, like true converts. -- Thomas Sowell
Understood it just fine, you're lying about his position. It's what you do Dazzler.
Pressed by a reporter on if he similarly disapproved of the decision to federally legalize interracial marriage, Braun said he did.
So he didn't disapprove of inter racial marriage
Got it
Team nuance sure sucks at it
So Biden really did think it was okay for Russian to invade Ukraine as long as it was just a "minor incursion" and he really does believe that you're not black if you don't vote for Rats. Got it.
Why woud he say this if that was he real position Dazzler?
Let me be clear on that issue — there is no question the Constitution prohibits discrimination of any kind based on race, that is not something that is even up for debate, and I condemn racism in any form, at all levels and by any states, entities or individuals," Braun said.
Slow crowd here this morning. Get your coffee, ladies.
Pressed by a reporter on if he similarly disapproved of the decision to federally legalize interracial marriage, Braun said he did.
Btw, since I know liberals lie, I'd need to hear the audio from this before I'd believe Salon's account of this. But I'm willing to concede that there are idiots on both-sides of the aisle and that people do mispeak all the time. You'd think that someone who voted for a dementia patient who's staff has to do clean up nearly everytime he makes a public statement would understand this.
The people here who have had an issue with the choice of spouse by Bob and myself are Kobe and H
Goes back years
Racist gonna racist
So much this. The only people who make your wives an issue at all are the two board progressives. Funny how that works. But us Trumptrash we're all racists. Only in the bizarro world we live in can the people who continually make issues out of race call the people who don't racists.
Also the only people on the planet who got screwed over more than the blacks are the reds and the Scots (probably? I'm know gud at hitsory) so I can say whatever the fuck I want.
Only racists opposed mandatory busing? Race?
Do only racists think allowing states to decide interracial marriage is correct?
Fuck off you racist piece of shit and the racist you voted for
Turning 180 degrees to a rational perspective:
Why would a black man dissent from the prevailing liberal orthodoxy, and especially on such racial issues as busing, “affirmative action” and the like? The question itself shows how pervasively the mass media have stereotyped and filtered the news. Most black people oppose busing. Polls that showed black majority in favor of busing a few years ago have begun to show black pluralities and, finally, an absolute majority of blacks against busing. What is rare is to see any black opponent of busing in the media. The media‐created black “spokesman” usually shares media‐created values. The impression is insinuated that such “spokesmen” represent the “grass roots,” or “authentic” ghetto blacks, while black dissenters from the liberal orthodoxy are rrom a remote “middle class” fringe. This impression must be insinuated, because there is little evidence for it‐and a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary. Many of the most fiery “militants” are middle‐class Negroes now trying to live down their past by being blacker‐than‐thou, like true converts. -- Thomas Sowell
So is defending and voting for the racist
Do only racists think marriage is up to the states
You started the thread cracker
I read you, Archie.
Also the only people on the planet who got screwed over more than the blacks are the reds and the Scots (probably? I'm know gud at hitsory) so I can say whatever the fuck I want.