Recently Repubs in the House sent letters to a number of NGO's that are active in the war on fossil fuels. They were receiving grants from an org that's long believed to be funded by Russian monies funneled through another party. May or may not be the case but wouldn't be shocking.
But all joking aside, this guy is running for one of 100 seats in the most powerful determining bodies around ... did you even watch the video Race? Thoughts? Don't be that ignorant guy Race ...
... and it's not about "courage" it's about finding the appropriate "race-baiting" material ... yow. Don't flatter this forum ... i'm gracing you with my presence.
Ummm..we have Bernie Snaders, Elizabethh Warren,Cory Booker, Patty Murray, Diane Feinstein, and Jeff Merkley in the Senate and you’re worried about Hershell Walker? Sounds like you have a situational closest.
Believing in the Old Testament is now a litmus test for the senate apparently. That would remove a lot of people in congress as well as the president (since he is a practicing catholic). This dumb turd sucks at making arguments. A lot like the BidenBros.