The Dazzler loves to claim that you're supporting Putin if you don't buy into the Russian collusion lie. Meanwhile, the entire left has bought into the Green New Deal movement that the Russians help to bankroll.
During the old Soviet Days they also helped to push the anti-American narrative that's now taught in our schools and is completely embraced by the left. America is a racist, genocidal country founded on white supremacy. That's straight out of the Soviet playbook and it's now the mainstream ideology that's taught in our public schools.
I’m told there are no Commies controlling education in America. Follow the money trail of the NGO’s pushing the GND along with the anti-fracking lunatics. It’ll take you right to the Kremlin. Even Hillary herself acknowledged it when she was Sec. State.
The Dazzler loves to claim that you're supporting Putin if you don't buy into the Russian collusion lie. Meanwhile, the entire left has bought into the Green New Deal movement that the Russians help to bankroll.
During the old Soviet Days they also helped to push the anti-American narrative that's now taught in our schools and is completely embraced by the left. America is a racist, genocidal country founded on white supremacy. That's straight out of the Soviet playbook and it's now the mainstream ideology that's taught in our public schools.
I sure some here remember how vile the left was towards Tony Snow when he was stricken with cancer and died. In some of their minds he lied for Bush daily so he deserved his fate. Well, if Tony Snow was a liar, he was a piker when compared to the Stooge Propagandist we have today.
Does this ugly person even reach 5 on the hotness scale? I say no. She hits maybe 4.6. I honestly don't think I ever hit anything that fugly even in a semi-comatose state. The funny thing is she thinks she's a 9. Reminds me of that fat chick who surrounded herself by hot chicks and did everything she could to stop you from hooking up with them.
Dazzler is only bucking for one at Humptulips.
During the old Soviet Days they also helped to push the anti-American narrative that's now taught in our schools and is completely embraced by the left. America is a racist, genocidal country founded on white supremacy. That's straight out of the Soviet playbook and it's now the mainstream ideology that's taught in our public schools.
I’m told there are no Commies controlling education in America. Follow the money trail of the NGO’s pushing the GND along with the anti-fracking lunatics. It’ll take you right to the Kremlin. Even Hillary herself acknowledged it when she was Sec. State.
Hi BidenBros.
I sure some here remember how vile the left was towards Tony Snow when he was stricken with cancer and died. In some of their minds he lied for Bush daily so he deserved his fate. Well, if Tony Snow was a liar, he was a piker when compared to the Stooge Propagandist we have today.